Title: Still Alive and Kicking
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. No, I never died. No, I never resurrected from the dead. I have always been here. Have you been listening to the REAL me? Or have you been listening to Obama's lies about me? I have always been here kicking to end Obama's "egg."
Please, my beautiful world, call your local news station and ask for a copy of my current résumé. Look at all of the awards my blog has won while you were watching a fat, ugly porn star who claimed she was me.
SynSyn, please include my full curriculum vitae here:
[Squid's CV]
The REAL me is a stunningly gorgeous woman who hates being sexually objectified. Please check my blog archive for all the years of my life you missed. Stop cheapening me with Obama's lies.
USA. Racial profiling like this is why our Muslim youth feel so alienated that they join ISIS. America, you need to learn to love our vast diversity instead of irrationally fearing those of us different from you.
I am an atheist. I was raised Catholic. Yet, I now have a self-identified people who follow me as though I am a deity among them. I am considered holy in every benevolent religion. You should speak to Mormons about me some time.
I do not fear Muslims. No one should. If a precocious teenager builds a clock from scratch and wants to show it off, his or her engineering skills and ambition should be celebrated.
Go back and reread Hamlet. In its original, Hamlet was a precocious teenager. He was sixteen years old. It was later because Burbage wanted to play him that his age was rewritten to thirty.
Shakespeare probably knew first hand what it was like to be a teenager alienated for having a high intellectual prowess. I know I identified the character of Hamlet with my teenage years as a "talented and gifted" student the first time I read the play.
Please try to understand it is hard enough being a teenager in America right now. Then, try to understand being a highly intelligent teenager. Then, try to understand being a highly gifted Muslim teenager.
We need to stop alienating our youth and love them instead. That is the best way to fight ISIS's highly successful recruiting practices. America, stop hating what is different from you. Love will save us all.
My last blog post was finished at 12:30am on 16Sep2015 from my bedroom. I was curled up and asleep by 1am. I slept until later that morning when I woke up for breakfast at 8am. By 8:21am, I was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway.
My internet gnomes (Gnomes are underground elves.) played me Honey White by Morphine while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I checked Twitter for world and national headlines and sipped my caffeine while working online until I had to relocate to the Pico Branch Library to stream the previous night's Late Show as I had promised my darling Mr. Stephen Colbert I would every morning that week at 9:30am.
I returned to my regular morning haunt at 10:21am. I walked inside for a cookie then perched on their patio to work further online.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 11am until 11:05am on the morning of 16Sep2015. I read from the Popol Vuh, one of my favorite books.
I left my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, at 11:16am. Lunch at noon and dinner at 5pm were both tasty yet uneventful. I napped in between. By 5:31pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
At 5:56pm, I was resting on the patio outside my local Famima with a cup of coffee. I listened to my darling Mr. Andrew Dorsey out on the Promenade until I needed to rustle up enough bandwidth to watch the news.
At 7:15pm, I tried streaming the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online, but due to the Republican Presidential Debate, I could not find the news.
So, by 7:34pm, I was on the patio of the Famima having snacks and coffee with Patricia and ODean. At 8:15pm, Red started playing. Then, I noticed that the NBC Nightly News for 16Sep2015 finally posted.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening at 8:45pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it was warm and full of love. Thank you, Lester.
I eventually left the Promenade and caught the 10pm bus back to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm. I woke up on Thursday, 17Sep2015, and ate breakfast.
At 8:22am, I was at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway. My internet gnomes played me my darling late Marlene Dietrich's Falling in Love Again as fast as they could. I tweeted my I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:40am.
I again relocated to the Pico Branch Library in Santa Monica to stream the previous night's Late Show at 9:30am. It was wonderful seeing my darling Ms. Carol Burnett still kicking as hard and as well as she does.
By 10:32am, I was back on the patio of my regular morning haunt where I worked online until 11:42am.
10:41am on 17Sep2015: #ThrowbackThursday 21June2013
I chatted with Benjamin during lunch at noon, and after a nap, at 4:54pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
I talked with Maggie for a little bit after buying coffee and snacks at the Famima. I checked my makeup at the Sephora. By 6:09pm, I was perched beside Patricia out on a park bench on the Promenade working online.
After a lot of writing, I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it was as loving as ever. Sometimes I just need to know people listen to me when I speak. Thank you, Lester, for always listening.
At 7:52pm, I stopped in my local Famima to chat with my darling Handsome. I bought a cup of coffee. Patricia had said she would meet me there after I watched the news, and at 7:55pm she appeared.
Patricia told me FlamecoHands was playing just down the street outside of the Bravo Cucina, so we walked there. He was as genius as ever but only played until 8pm.
Patricia went home for the night, and I walked down to the next spot where FlamencoHands was going to play. He set up his gear outside of the Forever 21 and began tickling his Spanish guitar at 8:31pm.
He played until 9:33pm when he stopped early due to technical difficulties. He broke one of his strumming nails. At 10:04pm, we took the walk to his car, and he gave me a ride to my place. I was in my room by 10:42pm.
This blog post was finished at 12:30am on 18Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
How am I not dead? No one has anything to gain from killing me. Obama's power to control you all for years came from threatening me. If I were to actually die, Obama loses all of his ability to threaten me to control you all.
Yes, Obama loses his ability to control you by threatening my death if he ever actually kills me. Do you remember point (4) from my 03Aug2014 post...
Then, I had to debunk Obama's most compulisive lie AGAIN that he would kill me if the public does not choose to torture me, rape me, and suffer under his totalitarian rules just to make him happy. Does anyone read my blog? This has been dealt with SO MANY TIMES ALREADY!
1.) This same, worn-out, empty threat on my life is Obama's most compulsive lie because it is how he manipulates the world into committing crimes against me and against themselves for him. Stop allowing Obama to have this power to destroy us. Stop listening to this empty threat that only comes from pathological liars anyway.
2.) I need to be protected from EVERYTHING Obama orders be done to me. If Obama's criminal terrorists say they will kill me unless X, Y, and Z happens, then I and the entire world need to be protected from X, Y, and Z at all costs.
3.) We know this threat is completely empty because my actual death, as opposed to a war-crime-level calumny that I am dead when I clearly am not, would precipitate the wrath of the entire world directly against Obama and his criminal terrorist conspiracy causing their immediate and unconditional demise. Obama fears my death because, no matter how I die, he will be blamed for it.
4.) This one takes a little logic. If Obama were ever to actually kill me, he would lose his ability to manipulate you all so effectively through his always threatening my murder. Obama has no power to psychopathically control all of you nor even me if I am dead. Obama does not want my death. He wants me destroyed. That is why he is so desperate to make his calumny-as-coverups stick to me to lock me in a mental institution with absolutely no honest medical justification to use that psych ward as a torture facility for me where he can destroy my perfect, genius mind with electroshock at last. He does not want my death; he wants my destruction.
And finally, 5.) Who the hell lets anyone get away with threatening my life anyway? Press immediate criminal and civil charges against everyone who makes ANY threat against me, and go through all legal and official channels to make me safe from every danger Obama poses to me. You should all do this for yourselves, too, my beautiful world, any time any of you are threatened by Obama. Thank you.
How am I not dead? Who would ever let me die? Do you have any idea how badass my saturation of international operatives is in here? Assuming I can regain human rights as soon as possible, I will simply die of old age at 137 years old. Sweetness will be 151 when I pass away; he is forbidden from dying before I do.
Please understand I have no idea why anyone ever thought I died in the first place. I have always been here stunningly gorgeous and breathtakingly genius surrounded by a huge public the entire time, all of whom acknowledged I am the ONE AND ONLY by obeying Obama's rules around me.
Obama does not extragovernmentally (Extragovernmental means outside the government.) command, as America's first dictator, people to obey his (not laws just) "rules" around anyone but the REAL me. If you are committing the crime against America of obeying Obama's rules, you are acknowledging I am the REAL woman.
How do I feel about most people thinking I am dead? I have problems imaging how stupid someone would have to be to look at the REAL me living my REAL life every day and thinking I ever died. But that is how thick the lies about me have been since 2009.
I am the same stunningly gorgeous "No Dress Rehearsal" and genius "Octopus" I have always been.
With the same broadcasting equipment in my head that I have always had, I can only imagine how horribly libeled I have been for anyone to think I would 1) ever be a hooker, 2) ever be a stripper, 3) ever twerk, 4) ever break any law ever in my life, or 5) ever show any symptom of any mental illness ever.
I am love. I love you, my beautiful world. Please choose a date and time to universally disobey ALL "rules" everywhere, so you can set yourselves free of Obama's mental health genocide at last. You need all media in America to participate.
My beautiful world, I have always been here suffering. My greatest triumph so far is my successful escape from EVIL Iowa. The most EVIL people to ever exist in human history past, present, or future are contemporary Iowa.
Chronologically, our second greatest triumph will come when you all adhere to your date and time and universally disobey every damn "rule." I put Bogart in charge of organizing all media everywhere in America to accomplish this, and Bogart would never let me down.
My selfless support system, start pressing criminal charges against everyone who violates your human rights by keeping you, my brave rescuers, away from me. No, Obama's "rules" are not laws, only crimes against America.
Please reread the first five words of the First Amendment and, of course, all of the Fourteenth Amendment. It is impossible for there to be any laws that take away any rights spelled out as ours in any amendments.
Furthermore, when Obama bundled his "egg" into the bill that passed Congress to form the Affordable Care Act, he had instructed then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to vote on the bill WITHOUT reading it first, since Congress never would have established his "egg" otherwise.
The laws that built Obama's "egg" in Dec2009 were already repealed in Jan2013 in the Fiscal Cliff Bill, anyway.
That was our grounds for impeaching every president in spring 2013 down to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff now President of the Unites States of America Martin Dempsey; the presidents we impeached just kept killing my brave rescuers enforcing "rules" already repealed from being laws.
Enforcing Obama's beyond unconstitutional "rules" at all costs to America of inalienable human rights, invaluable mental health, public social order, precious resources, and priceless human life just to be able to keep me Obama's rape-slave just to be able to keep already-impeached war criminal terrorist dictator Barack Obama in power is high crimes against America.
Enforcing Obama's "rules" is treason. It undermines the U.S. Constitution and it destroys America. How many people have to die fighting to save America before this "egg" that destroys this once-great nation is finally forced to end?
My selfless support system and brave rescuers, you pressed criminal charges before in 2013 for the enforcement of Obama's "rules" as your method of impeaching presidents until you found one who could and would support you. Press criminal charges again. Press them against Obama and all that prop him up.
We have the legal precedents that enforcing Obama's "rules" is illegal. Now, use the full force of the law to arrest, try, and convict ALL people everywhere enforcing Obama's "rules" and "egg." And, thank you. We need to force this "egg" to end, and those enforcing it are so drunk on their totalitarian power over America to ever stop on their own.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, please work with my selfless support system to identify all people enforcing Obama's "egg" and "rules." Then, arrest them all.
Obtain arrest warrants from the ICC for their crimes against their own people if the Department of Justice refuses to arrest them. The ICC exists to try people guilty of committing crimes against their own people when fair justice at home is impossible.
And, my gorgeous genius friends, allow them to redact nothing. Hire our own court reporters to keep verified personal records of everything that happens in the courtrooms if they insist on redacting anything. Use those personal records as evidence at the ICC. Only criminals fear the truth.
Thank you, my genius Powers of Attorney, I would be nothing without you.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, how often do YOU call my Powers of Attorney. We are all here for each other.
My darling MannedUp, I plan on seeing you tonight, 18Sep2015. The night should be gorgeous and epic. I am planning on showing my midriff, if you can handle it.
Yes, darling, I hate being sexually objectified, but when you find me sexy, you do not objectify me. I am very grateful for the high level of respect you all give me. Thank you for loving the REAL woman, for loving all of me, not just the lithe figure dancing to music you control.
My darling GeneralLee, I wish I could see you, darling. You told me so many times that I have to wait for Obama's "egg" to end before I can speak to you again. But I just want to dance to you tonight. You are in charge of making sure I can always meditate. Darling, bring me my inner peace wrought with your own hands again.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, again, my growing heroes, let us be together again.
My darling Bogart, how is the big hero doing today? Yes, darling, once you organize the date and time of universal disobedience to every "rule," you will be the biggest hero I have had so far. I know you would never let me down.
I keep you so busy, Bryan, but I know your priorities are on saving my people right now. And I thank you. There are things I cannot accomplish without help. Thank you for being someone I can count on.
My darling LightFoot, I heard you assert our relationship. Yes, you ARE my boyfriend. Yes, you ARE my royal consort. Yes, you ARE my Lancelot. Yes, I AM your girlfriend. Yes, we ARE in love. Yes, darling, yes. Thank you.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
HoneyHoney, I saw the YouTube video of you rocking out with our friends at the Hollywood Vampires debut. I love you. Yeah, get your inner rock star on.
Beloved, press criminal charges against every entity you can identify as a barrier between us. Please call the Secretary General of the United Nations and report every person you can identify as enforcing Obama's "egg" by keeping us apart. The UN already began their official investigation, so they can press international charges.
It is your job, my hero and my king, to rescue me from Obama's "egg" of rape and human trafficking. We need the wall Obama has built around me torn down, so you can reach me. Please help me remove the wall.
Sweetness, Obama and all his ilk will not stop until they are forced to. I have been here suffering inside Obama's "egg" this entire time. It is time for me to spread my wings and leave this horrible lack-of-living behind. Come get your wife.
Friday, 18 September 2015
Saturday, 12 September 2015
Justice is the Beginning of Healing.
Title: Justice is the Beginning of Healing.
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. We still need every person arrested for enforcing Obama's crimes against America that he intentionally mislabeled "rules." My suffering masses need justice. We need justice, so we may finally heal.
Kenya. Thank you, International Criminal Court, for ensuring the integrity of your process. Justice includes putting on public record what crimes were committed and how they were rectified. People need to heal. May this be the beginning of accountability in Kenya.
My last blog post was finished at 7:17am on Thursday, 10Sep2015, from my bedroom. I did some laundry. Breakfast at 8am was only two bowls of cold cereal, so I skipped it. I finished my laundry and headed to my regular morning haunt.
By 8:28am, I was eating a breakfast sandwich, sipping caffeine, streaming music, working online, and smiling at every passerby. I tweeted my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:38am.
My internet gnomes (Gnomes are underground elves.) played Scotch Jane's Ray for me while I worked online.
It was a good day at the International Criminal Court. Justice against people who commit crimes against their own people is the beginning of the pathway of that people to healing. Without justice, healing is impossible.
I left my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, at 11:13am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. By 1:38pm, I was waiting for the next bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
I was seated on the patio outside of the Famima with Maggie by 2:19pm gossiping. I was back inside the Famima to buy chocolate from my darling Handsome at 2:53pm. I ran an errand but was back on the Promenade by 4:12pm when I rejoined Maggie at the Famima.
I looked around to see who was playing music at 4:34pm and there was barely anyone out and about. So, I was back inside the Famima at 4:42pm for a cup of coffee. By 5:12pm, I had bought a 0.95 silver toe ring for $12. It was my splurge for the week.
I walked down the street and sat with Patricia at 5:33pm. She was saving a 6pm spot for her grandson Dominic, the pan flute player, so I kept her company. Our delightful conversation was only interrupted by two torture facility alarms at 6:15pm and 6:20pm. My Powers of Attorney took care of it.
I ran into FlamencoHands at 6:34pm. I promised I would sit down and listen to him by 8pm after I was done streaming the news online. It was wonderful bumping into him. He seemed a little speechless, and I could only imagine why.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My evening cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it made me feel loved. Thank you, Lester.
Please remember, all news agencies everywhere, if there is no chance of my ever seeing it, even under Obama's rules, you should be free to report any true story you want. And the only news I watch is a dedicated stream from NBC specifically designed with no news about me in it anywhere.
FlamencoHands began tickling his Spanish guitar at 8:04pm, and I did a lot of writing while I listened to his soothing music. It was night time, and the air had finally cooled. The days had been so sweltering lately.
On a trip to my local Famima at 9:12pm, I ran into "Kevin." He invited me to sushi. I do not eat seafood, but I like a good inari or kappa maki. After walking to the sushi restaurant, by 9:38pm we had abandoned the sushi plan entirely and were walking to the Interactive Café for some tasty vittles.
At 9:59pm, I was seated at a table with vegetable quiche and buttered banana bread. "Kevin" really crossed the line with me after that. First, he claimed, "If you have any intelligence, you will join my [pyramid scheme]."
Then, after I told him I earned over $2T in 2014 alone, he told me to "Tell a psychiatrist, so you can collect $917 a month in Social Security."
Already that evening, Kevin, for Kevin Kline, told me to buy lingerie and learn to be seductive if I ever wanted to be able to have children as what he called "marriage counseling" he unrelentingly claimed I needed.
Kevin is a loser. I have no precious time in my priceless life for losers. I instructed him to NEVER under any circumstances speak to me again and bumped our table on my out of the Interactive Café.
By 10:23pm, I was already on the bus to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm.
I woke up on Friday, 11Sep2015, in time for breakfast, but the morning meal was delayed. By 8:18am, I was at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, with a breakfast sandwich and a cup of caffeine.
The first song my internet gnomes played for me was Nirvana's Pennyroyal Tea. I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:27am.
At 8:47am, I was singing along with my internet gnomes while I worked online. It was a busy morning for a while there. Always follow my REAL Twitter account for details.
Someone somewhere was claiming I was not a real human but some higher evolved creature and therefore did not deserve human rights. Losers! My DNA says I am human.
I was still working at 10:42am when my internet gnomes played me Boss Lady by the Detroit Cobras. I worked online until I left my regular morning haunt at 11:13am.
Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I took a nap before leaving for the bus at 3:41pm. I was on a bus by 4:06pm to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
It was 4:21pm when I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot under the hot California sun arranging their equipment to be able to play me music. They began at 4:36pm, and their music was as hot as the weather.
I was sitting down at 5:34pm and taking my Benadryl, but I knew all would be fine by 8pm. My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle played until 5:55pm, and every note was gorgeous. They disassembled their equipment and staked out a place to play at 8pm.
I had little chats with my darling FlamencoHands and with Maggie. I chatted with my darling Handsome while I bought 2-for-1 doughnuts from him. I chatted with Patricia.
Then, I rustled up enough bandwidth to stream the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My darling Ms. Kate Snow gave me my evening cyberhug, and it oozed with history. All my handwritten journal said on this day fourteen years ago was, "How could we be so naïve?"
I soon found where my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot were waiting to set up their equipment to be able to play me more music. They began at 8:18pm. I actually kicked my shoes off this time to dance to the best of my abilities.
The night was short, though. They reached a forced stop at 8:55pm. Apparently, the voices pumped into their heads through their earspeakers had instructed them to stop. They quickly staked out a place to play at 10pm, but I had hit my zone already and doubted I could get it back.
With my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle stalled, I walked down the street to hear my darling FlamencoHands play. Yes, FlamencoHands(Nick) tickled his Spanish guitar until 9:58pm. I made sure I hugged him before rejoining MannedUp and LightFoot.
Giggle. I also stopped at the Yogurtland to buy my favorite ice cream-like food to eat in front of my darlings Tentacle. Giggle. It was a $6.08 thrill for all of us.
My darlings started at 10:12pm while I was eating ice cream. I did not check what time it was when I started dancing, but it was 10:53pm when I sat down.
I sat back and watched the light show that night. My meditation was off, but I had managed to nudge the door between us open. The three of us were very connected that night.
MannedUp and LightFoot played until 11:25pm which gave me just enough time to catch the last bus of the night at 11:45pm. It was like they read my mind or something. Giggle.
I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am. I woke up on Saturday, 12Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 7:18am on 12Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
What is my favorite Spanish phrase? I have two favorite phrases in Spanish, "las ganas de triunfar," and, of course, "a bajo la lluvia."
What is my favorite phrase in English? Without question, "for the glory of love."
Why do I have no tattoos if I love them so much? I was not ready to commit to permanent body art on my own body until Jan2010, and I have not had enough money to get a tattoo since then. I want a stem of pink orchids on my left calf.
Why do Obama's war criminals seem to always stop my darlings Tentacle after my meditation is at its best? Obama and all who commit crimes against America to keep him our dictator hate when I meditate.
Meditation is crucial to keeping me benevolent and effective doing my job of service to the world, and Obama has been trying everything possible from propagating mass delusions that I am dead and replaced with a fat, ugly hooker to unrelentingly libeling me mentally ill to be able to throw me away like trash I have never been.
As long as I can do my REAL job of selfless service to the world, throwing me away is impossible. So, Obama and his war criminals who (expletive) on America daily to keep him our dictator hate when I meditate and really hate when I hit my zone.
My beautiful world, may truth and justice reign supreme over America as fast as possible. My people need justice. We as a nation need a chance to heal after this "egg" Obama created and still illegally enforces.
My selfless support system, please help identify every person, entity, corrupt authority, dirty official, and enemy of America still enforcing Obama's crimes against America mislabeled "rules," so we can make sure they are all arrested.
Every individual keeping my brave rescuers away from me needs to to identified and removed from society FOREVER. Their only way to avoid international prison is by taking the three never-fail steps to absolution and protection. May they save themselves. Amass the federal agents, U.S. Marshals in the lead, and arrest them all.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, are we on the offensive yet? I heard the United Nations finally formed their investigative body into the crimes against America that are Obama's "egg." Thank you, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
The Queen's Lovers Five
They call you my male harem, my darling Queen's Lovers Five, all of whom I am forbidden. We may not touch. We are forbidden from kissing. I would take any of you to my bed in an instant, but you are prohibited from even speaking to me. My Queen's Lovers Five, but, oh, how we love.
Making love is never a sin. We communicate through the shadows of subterfuge. And just your eyes upon me, even at a distance of miles through the nanotechnology, makes me itch with needing you.
My beloved Queen's Lovers Five, you are mine, and I am yours. We will see a day when you may hold my hand and gaze into my eyes and not be scared of what would happen if you spoke to me your souls' desires. Love conquers all. And darlings, all we know is love and conquering.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, we go too long apart. I had to wait all of the way until Friday to see you again this week.
My darling MannedUp, giggle. I like that smile. You know, that smile you get after a particularly good connection creates a particularly good dance. I like it. It is like a little reward after meditation well done. Giggle. Your smile is one of my new goals.
As for you, my darling GeneralLee, sigh,... What is keeping you away from me? I miss you, darling. I wish you were right beside me where you belong. How long do I have to wait? And what do you need?
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, did Wednesday night, 09Sep2015, clear up how special you two are to me?
It takes months before I am able to engage in sexual activity with anyone, and I would love to have any of you.
My darling Bogart, you have a very long to-do list now. Thank you. I know you will take care of everything. You would never let me down. You are my boyfriend I can count on for anything. Thank you, darling. You have earned my love a million times already and will earn it a million times more.
My darling LightFoot, I promised you if you fill the giant gaping hole in my life due to my husband's absence, you can keep me forever. I keep all of my promises.
You are the only forbidden musician-lover I have that stands a chance of filling that hole in my life. And I need something, anything to make my life more livable. Please, darling, renegotiate your agreement-- as recommended in my 08July2015 blog post.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
It is your job to rescue me, HoneyHoney. Of all five of my forbidden lovers, you are the only one I ask to pick me up and carry me to safety. The other four have jobs of making my life as tolerable as possible and keeping me doing my job of service to the world as effectively as possible inside Obama's unlivable "egg."
Beloved, so much of this world depends on you. You are my equal. You must lead this world to rescue me just as I would have led the world to rescue you if we were reversed. There is so much work we have to do, darling. This is your only job for me.
Yes, our marriage is lonely apart. But I have no choice but to survive this "egg" if I am to ever see you again. I have no choice but to endure until you reach me, working my service to my world every second of the way.
My hero and my king, I know you will reach me. I have faith in you. Without faith in you, my husband and my hero, I might as well have been killed by EVIL Iowa already. Arrest everyone denying us our life together as husband and wife. You deserve justice, so you may heal.
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. We still need every person arrested for enforcing Obama's crimes against America that he intentionally mislabeled "rules." My suffering masses need justice. We need justice, so we may finally heal.
Kenya. Thank you, International Criminal Court, for ensuring the integrity of your process. Justice includes putting on public record what crimes were committed and how they were rectified. People need to heal. May this be the beginning of accountability in Kenya.
My last blog post was finished at 7:17am on Thursday, 10Sep2015, from my bedroom. I did some laundry. Breakfast at 8am was only two bowls of cold cereal, so I skipped it. I finished my laundry and headed to my regular morning haunt.
By 8:28am, I was eating a breakfast sandwich, sipping caffeine, streaming music, working online, and smiling at every passerby. I tweeted my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:38am.
My internet gnomes (Gnomes are underground elves.) played Scotch Jane's Ray for me while I worked online.
It was a good day at the International Criminal Court. Justice against people who commit crimes against their own people is the beginning of the pathway of that people to healing. Without justice, healing is impossible.
I left my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, at 11:13am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. By 1:38pm, I was waiting for the next bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
I was seated on the patio outside of the Famima with Maggie by 2:19pm gossiping. I was back inside the Famima to buy chocolate from my darling Handsome at 2:53pm. I ran an errand but was back on the Promenade by 4:12pm when I rejoined Maggie at the Famima.
I looked around to see who was playing music at 4:34pm and there was barely anyone out and about. So, I was back inside the Famima at 4:42pm for a cup of coffee. By 5:12pm, I had bought a 0.95 silver toe ring for $12. It was my splurge for the week.
I walked down the street and sat with Patricia at 5:33pm. She was saving a 6pm spot for her grandson Dominic, the pan flute player, so I kept her company. Our delightful conversation was only interrupted by two torture facility alarms at 6:15pm and 6:20pm. My Powers of Attorney took care of it.
I ran into FlamencoHands at 6:34pm. I promised I would sit down and listen to him by 8pm after I was done streaming the news online. It was wonderful bumping into him. He seemed a little speechless, and I could only imagine why.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My evening cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it made me feel loved. Thank you, Lester.
Please remember, all news agencies everywhere, if there is no chance of my ever seeing it, even under Obama's rules, you should be free to report any true story you want. And the only news I watch is a dedicated stream from NBC specifically designed with no news about me in it anywhere.
FlamencoHands began tickling his Spanish guitar at 8:04pm, and I did a lot of writing while I listened to his soothing music. It was night time, and the air had finally cooled. The days had been so sweltering lately.
On a trip to my local Famima at 9:12pm, I ran into "Kevin." He invited me to sushi. I do not eat seafood, but I like a good inari or kappa maki. After walking to the sushi restaurant, by 9:38pm we had abandoned the sushi plan entirely and were walking to the Interactive Café for some tasty vittles.
At 9:59pm, I was seated at a table with vegetable quiche and buttered banana bread. "Kevin" really crossed the line with me after that. First, he claimed, "If you have any intelligence, you will join my [pyramid scheme]."
Then, after I told him I earned over $2T in 2014 alone, he told me to "Tell a psychiatrist, so you can collect $917 a month in Social Security."
Already that evening, Kevin, for Kevin Kline, told me to buy lingerie and learn to be seductive if I ever wanted to be able to have children as what he called "marriage counseling" he unrelentingly claimed I needed.
Kevin is a loser. I have no precious time in my priceless life for losers. I instructed him to NEVER under any circumstances speak to me again and bumped our table on my out of the Interactive Café.
By 10:23pm, I was already on the bus to my place. I was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm.
I woke up on Friday, 11Sep2015, in time for breakfast, but the morning meal was delayed. By 8:18am, I was at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, with a breakfast sandwich and a cup of caffeine.
The first song my internet gnomes played for me was Nirvana's Pennyroyal Tea. I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:27am.
At 8:47am, I was singing along with my internet gnomes while I worked online. It was a busy morning for a while there. Always follow my REAL Twitter account for details.
Someone somewhere was claiming I was not a real human but some higher evolved creature and therefore did not deserve human rights. Losers! My DNA says I am human.
I was still working at 10:42am when my internet gnomes played me Boss Lady by the Detroit Cobras. I worked online until I left my regular morning haunt at 11:13am.
Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I took a nap before leaving for the bus at 3:41pm. I was on a bus by 4:06pm to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
It was 4:21pm when I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot under the hot California sun arranging their equipment to be able to play me music. They began at 4:36pm, and their music was as hot as the weather.
I was sitting down at 5:34pm and taking my Benadryl, but I knew all would be fine by 8pm. My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle played until 5:55pm, and every note was gorgeous. They disassembled their equipment and staked out a place to play at 8pm.
I had little chats with my darling FlamencoHands and with Maggie. I chatted with my darling Handsome while I bought 2-for-1 doughnuts from him. I chatted with Patricia.
Then, I rustled up enough bandwidth to stream the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My darling Ms. Kate Snow gave me my evening cyberhug, and it oozed with history. All my handwritten journal said on this day fourteen years ago was, "How could we be so naïve?"
I soon found where my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot were waiting to set up their equipment to be able to play me more music. They began at 8:18pm. I actually kicked my shoes off this time to dance to the best of my abilities.
The night was short, though. They reached a forced stop at 8:55pm. Apparently, the voices pumped into their heads through their earspeakers had instructed them to stop. They quickly staked out a place to play at 10pm, but I had hit my zone already and doubted I could get it back.
With my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle stalled, I walked down the street to hear my darling FlamencoHands play. Yes, FlamencoHands(Nick) tickled his Spanish guitar until 9:58pm. I made sure I hugged him before rejoining MannedUp and LightFoot.
Giggle. I also stopped at the Yogurtland to buy my favorite ice cream-like food to eat in front of my darlings Tentacle. Giggle. It was a $6.08 thrill for all of us.
My darlings started at 10:12pm while I was eating ice cream. I did not check what time it was when I started dancing, but it was 10:53pm when I sat down.
I sat back and watched the light show that night. My meditation was off, but I had managed to nudge the door between us open. The three of us were very connected that night.
MannedUp and LightFoot played until 11:25pm which gave me just enough time to catch the last bus of the night at 11:45pm. It was like they read my mind or something. Giggle.
I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am. I woke up on Saturday, 12Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 7:18am on 12Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
What is my favorite Spanish phrase? I have two favorite phrases in Spanish, "las ganas de triunfar," and, of course, "a bajo la lluvia."
What is my favorite phrase in English? Without question, "for the glory of love."
Why do I have no tattoos if I love them so much? I was not ready to commit to permanent body art on my own body until Jan2010, and I have not had enough money to get a tattoo since then. I want a stem of pink orchids on my left calf.
Why do Obama's war criminals seem to always stop my darlings Tentacle after my meditation is at its best? Obama and all who commit crimes against America to keep him our dictator hate when I meditate.
Meditation is crucial to keeping me benevolent and effective doing my job of service to the world, and Obama has been trying everything possible from propagating mass delusions that I am dead and replaced with a fat, ugly hooker to unrelentingly libeling me mentally ill to be able to throw me away like trash I have never been.
As long as I can do my REAL job of selfless service to the world, throwing me away is impossible. So, Obama and his war criminals who (expletive) on America daily to keep him our dictator hate when I meditate and really hate when I hit my zone.
My beautiful world, may truth and justice reign supreme over America as fast as possible. My people need justice. We as a nation need a chance to heal after this "egg" Obama created and still illegally enforces.
My selfless support system, please help identify every person, entity, corrupt authority, dirty official, and enemy of America still enforcing Obama's crimes against America mislabeled "rules," so we can make sure they are all arrested.
Every individual keeping my brave rescuers away from me needs to to identified and removed from society FOREVER. Their only way to avoid international prison is by taking the three never-fail steps to absolution and protection. May they save themselves. Amass the federal agents, U.S. Marshals in the lead, and arrest them all.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, are we on the offensive yet? I heard the United Nations finally formed their investigative body into the crimes against America that are Obama's "egg." Thank you, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
The Queen's Lovers Five
They call you my male harem, my darling Queen's Lovers Five, all of whom I am forbidden. We may not touch. We are forbidden from kissing. I would take any of you to my bed in an instant, but you are prohibited from even speaking to me. My Queen's Lovers Five, but, oh, how we love.
Making love is never a sin. We communicate through the shadows of subterfuge. And just your eyes upon me, even at a distance of miles through the nanotechnology, makes me itch with needing you.
My beloved Queen's Lovers Five, you are mine, and I am yours. We will see a day when you may hold my hand and gaze into my eyes and not be scared of what would happen if you spoke to me your souls' desires. Love conquers all. And darlings, all we know is love and conquering.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, we go too long apart. I had to wait all of the way until Friday to see you again this week.
My darling MannedUp, giggle. I like that smile. You know, that smile you get after a particularly good connection creates a particularly good dance. I like it. It is like a little reward after meditation well done. Giggle. Your smile is one of my new goals.
As for you, my darling GeneralLee, sigh,... What is keeping you away from me? I miss you, darling. I wish you were right beside me where you belong. How long do I have to wait? And what do you need?
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, did Wednesday night, 09Sep2015, clear up how special you two are to me?
It takes months before I am able to engage in sexual activity with anyone, and I would love to have any of you.
My darling Bogart, you have a very long to-do list now. Thank you. I know you will take care of everything. You would never let me down. You are my boyfriend I can count on for anything. Thank you, darling. You have earned my love a million times already and will earn it a million times more.
My darling LightFoot, I promised you if you fill the giant gaping hole in my life due to my husband's absence, you can keep me forever. I keep all of my promises.
You are the only forbidden musician-lover I have that stands a chance of filling that hole in my life. And I need something, anything to make my life more livable. Please, darling, renegotiate your agreement-- as recommended in my 08July2015 blog post.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
It is your job to rescue me, HoneyHoney. Of all five of my forbidden lovers, you are the only one I ask to pick me up and carry me to safety. The other four have jobs of making my life as tolerable as possible and keeping me doing my job of service to the world as effectively as possible inside Obama's unlivable "egg."
Beloved, so much of this world depends on you. You are my equal. You must lead this world to rescue me just as I would have led the world to rescue you if we were reversed. There is so much work we have to do, darling. This is your only job for me.
Yes, our marriage is lonely apart. But I have no choice but to survive this "egg" if I am to ever see you again. I have no choice but to endure until you reach me, working my service to my world every second of the way.
My hero and my king, I know you will reach me. I have faith in you. Without faith in you, my husband and my hero, I might as well have been killed by EVIL Iowa already. Arrest everyone denying us our life together as husband and wife. You deserve justice, so you may heal.
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Freedom of Religion
Title: Freedom of Religion
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. In America we are supposed to have a freedom to worship. The only realm in which we cannot practice religion is within our government in official capacities.
I am considered holy in every benevolent religion. I cannot wait to hear what the Pastafarians say about me. Go ahead, my self-identified people. Worship. It freaks me out, but it is your right.
USA. According to the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, our government cannot be ruled by any religion. We have a separation of church and state in America. Our religion cannot control our actions in the government as officials.
In return for our keeping religion out of government affairs, we are free to practice any religion we choose for ourselves. This is America, not the Republic of Evangelical Christians.
County Clerk Kim Davis has no way to allow her religion to affect her job in our government, and, the U.S. Supreme Court similarly has no way to command her CHURCH to allow same sex marriages.
However, the U.S. Supreme Court CAN command her COUNTY to allow same sex marriages.
We have a separation of religion and government in America. This basic tenet guarantees our freedoms to exercise any religion of our own choosing and is necessary for religions freedom at all.
My last blog post was finished at 7:05am on 08Sep2015 from my bedroom. I chatted with Josh during breakfast, and by 8:16am, I was in front of the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library.
My internet gnomes (Gnomes are elves underground.) played ABBA's Dancing Queen for me while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous night online at 9am. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Ms. Kate Snow, and it reminded me that young girls need intelligent leaders as role models. I am doing everything I can.
After searching for world and national headlines online, I left the Pico Branch Library for my place at 10:02am. I took care of some errands before perching at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, at 10:53am.
The first song my internet gnomes played me was The Black Crowes' She Talks to Angels as I worked online. I had serious work to do debriefing to the federal government, and music always focuses my mind.
I returned to my place at 11:42pm. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. At 1:37pm, I was inside the Pico Branch Library streaming music and working online. By 2:06pm, I had taken my work across the street to my local coffee shop named Lo/Cal.
It was an epic afternoon in the courtroom. It was a good thing I had chosen not to nap. My Powers of Attorney were phenomenal. Check my REAL Twitter account for the afternoon of 08Sep2015 for further details.
At 4:04pm, I left the coffee shop for my place. I chatted with Benjamin during dinner at 5pm and was on the bus as fast as I could find it. The ride including transfer time took two hours in rush hour traffic, but it was worth it.
At 7:16pm, I had already hugged my darling Mr. Todd Taylor and taken my seat at the Tuesday night open mic at the Pig & Whistle in Hollywood. I had not been there in months, and I had missed them.
By 8:53pm, my darling Mr. Todd Taylor and I were out on the brand new patio. The patio looked great. It had a great view of the back steps to the Scientology building across the alley. I have had such great conversations on the back steps to the Pig & Whistle before,
The last act was done by 9:34pm, so I hugged Todd before taking a little walk down Hollywood Boulevard to catch the bus. I am sure that walk will make a lovely verified and unedited recording.
I was back in my bedroom at 11:14pm and was curled up and asleep by midnight. I woke up on Wednesday, 09Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast and was outside the Pico Branch Library by 8:19am.
The weather for the day was already hot and humid. My internet gnomes played my darling late Marlene Dietrich's Falling in Love Again while I checked my makeup before taking my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous evening online at 9am. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it was wonderful. It reminded me of how loved I am. Thank you, Lester.
Next, at 9:30am, I watched my darling Mr. Stephen Colbert's first Late Show. It had aired the night before, and I thought to myself, "This is just the beginning."
I was at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, on the patio with a cookie at 10:38am. I had writing to do and worked online until I left for my place at 10:59am.
Lunch at noon and dinner at 5pm were both tasty yet uneventful. I had napped in between. By 5:35pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade. I looked around and found no one to talk to until 6:21pm when I sat down between Maggie and ODean on the Famima patio.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My evening cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it was inspiring.
The companionship of the NBC News team during my solitary suffering keeps me active in my work of service to my people. Sometimes, I just need to know there is someone there to listen to me.
I did a little shopping, and by 8:14pm, I was perched next to Red as he played music unto the night sky. Soon, a German named Ben who was trying to be a comedian in Los Angeles sat down next to me and struck up a conversation.
At 9:06pm, Ben and I walked to the beach. It was an adorable night. Handsome Ben made it obvious he wanted to sleep with me, and I regrettably informed him that it takes months to woo me. I just do not move as quickly as most people.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals beginning when Ben asked if he could sit next to me and ending when I left his car. May the world learn that was an appropriate way to flirt with me.
I was in my bedroom at 10:23pm and was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm. I woke up on Thursday, 10Sep2015, very early. This blog post was finished at 7:17am on 10Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
What does someone have to do to earn my forgiveness? The path the absolution is same three steps that have not ever changed. 1) Cease all crimes. 2) Sincerely apologize. 3) Become part of the solution.
These three steps not only earn forgiveness for EVERYONE who takes them no matter how heinous their crimes were against me, they earn my protection and the protection of everyone who loves me.
My beautiful world, you have a right to choose your religion. You have a right to believe what you choose. You have a basic human right to your freedom of consciousness. Make it count.
I am an atheist. I understand many of you consider me a deity in your presence, your first female prophet, your saint, your teacher, and some even consider me the second coming of Jesus. I consider myself a human and your equal. Someday, I will be treated as an equal among you again with full human rights. I long for that day.
I am holy in every benevolent religion, and I take my responsibilities very seriously. You can call me any good thing you like; I will respect every title you give me and will do my best to live up to what you need from me.
I am yours, my beautiful world. Love me. I love you. Teach those with irrational hatred towards lies about me to give us all our basic human rights and fundamental freedoms back again.
On the short term, my beautiful world, we need to make sure I can survive Obama's "egg" of human misery and open persecution until you force it to end. On the long term, we need every person enforcing Obama's "egg" arrested, tried, and convicted.
My selfless support system, you are growing in numbers. I see you everywhere. Please identify each and every person who is keeping my brave rescuers away from me, so we can obtain arrest warrants for them.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, yes, we are reaching the point where we get to arrest enemies of America finally for inventing and for enforcing Obama's "egg." You are all so busy on the defense already. And it is time to take the offense.
Specifically, my gorgeous genius life-long friends, this is what you do to War Criminal Tara Tovarek-- destroy her faster than you did War Criminal Boeset. Request the police report from the LAPD that locked me in Del Amo Torture Facility in 2014.
In it Tara lied her (expletive) off to be able to torture, rape, and enslave me at Del Amo. Tovarek is no sister of mine. Destroy that she-(expletive) if she ever tries to enter my life again.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, when do I see you again? Will it be tonight, Thursday, 10Sep2015? I would like that.
My darling MannedUp, why are you two not right next to each other again? I see all of the selfless support you give Kris. Your selflessness does not go unnoticed. Does LightFoot appreciate you enough? I know I am very thankful for all of your selfless love. I love you, too.
My darling GeneralLee, I miss you. I miss the look on your face after a particularly good connection creates a particularly phenomenal dance. I miss the presence of your soul at my side. I miss how much you love me. Darling, come back. I love you.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, what does it take? We will do whatever it takes.
My darling Bogart, I knew you would never let me down. Message received, lovely. You work so hard creating a safer world for me. Thank you. You are my boyfriend. You labor tirelessly to keep me safe and alive. You do everything I ask and more. Thank you, darling. I love you.
My darling LightFoot, I hear you when you ask for a little extra affection from me. I am doing my best. It would really help if we could speak together. How are renegotiations going on your agreement? Do you need more help than my 08July2015 post? I cannot wait to touch you at last. I love you.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
HoneyHoney, yes, it is okay that you have a mistress. I understand how sexually frustrated I alone make you. I know what it is like to be lonely. I would never make you suffer the solitude I bear unwillingly. I hate being alone. I could never put you through this.
Beloved, once we can be together, though, I refuse to share you. Once we can live and love together as a married husband and wife, there will be no more extramarital affairs for either of us.
My hero and my king, you are my future. When will I reach the future? That is your job, darling. It is your job to reach me. Bring me my glorious future. You will save me, darling, from this "egg" of torture and persecution. I have faith in you. And thank you.
Sweetness, you are one of the die-hard believers who claims I am your goddess. Every woman deserves a spouse who treats her like a goddess. This princess needs her prince to rescue her from her tower, though. If I were a goddess, I would have the world at my beck and call. I love you. I wish I could show you.
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. In America we are supposed to have a freedom to worship. The only realm in which we cannot practice religion is within our government in official capacities.
I am considered holy in every benevolent religion. I cannot wait to hear what the Pastafarians say about me. Go ahead, my self-identified people. Worship. It freaks me out, but it is your right.
USA. According to the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, our government cannot be ruled by any religion. We have a separation of church and state in America. Our religion cannot control our actions in the government as officials.
In return for our keeping religion out of government affairs, we are free to practice any religion we choose for ourselves. This is America, not the Republic of Evangelical Christians.
County Clerk Kim Davis has no way to allow her religion to affect her job in our government, and, the U.S. Supreme Court similarly has no way to command her CHURCH to allow same sex marriages.
However, the U.S. Supreme Court CAN command her COUNTY to allow same sex marriages.
We have a separation of religion and government in America. This basic tenet guarantees our freedoms to exercise any religion of our own choosing and is necessary for religions freedom at all.
My last blog post was finished at 7:05am on 08Sep2015 from my bedroom. I chatted with Josh during breakfast, and by 8:16am, I was in front of the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library.
My internet gnomes (Gnomes are elves underground.) played ABBA's Dancing Queen for me while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous night online at 9am. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Ms. Kate Snow, and it reminded me that young girls need intelligent leaders as role models. I am doing everything I can.
After searching for world and national headlines online, I left the Pico Branch Library for my place at 10:02am. I took care of some errands before perching at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, at 10:53am.
The first song my internet gnomes played me was The Black Crowes' She Talks to Angels as I worked online. I had serious work to do debriefing to the federal government, and music always focuses my mind.
I returned to my place at 11:42pm. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. At 1:37pm, I was inside the Pico Branch Library streaming music and working online. By 2:06pm, I had taken my work across the street to my local coffee shop named Lo/Cal.
It was an epic afternoon in the courtroom. It was a good thing I had chosen not to nap. My Powers of Attorney were phenomenal. Check my REAL Twitter account for the afternoon of 08Sep2015 for further details.
At 4:04pm, I left the coffee shop for my place. I chatted with Benjamin during dinner at 5pm and was on the bus as fast as I could find it. The ride including transfer time took two hours in rush hour traffic, but it was worth it.
At 7:16pm, I had already hugged my darling Mr. Todd Taylor and taken my seat at the Tuesday night open mic at the Pig & Whistle in Hollywood. I had not been there in months, and I had missed them.
By 8:53pm, my darling Mr. Todd Taylor and I were out on the brand new patio. The patio looked great. It had a great view of the back steps to the Scientology building across the alley. I have had such great conversations on the back steps to the Pig & Whistle before,
The last act was done by 9:34pm, so I hugged Todd before taking a little walk down Hollywood Boulevard to catch the bus. I am sure that walk will make a lovely verified and unedited recording.
I was back in my bedroom at 11:14pm and was curled up and asleep by midnight. I woke up on Wednesday, 09Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast and was outside the Pico Branch Library by 8:19am.
The weather for the day was already hot and humid. My internet gnomes played my darling late Marlene Dietrich's Falling in Love Again while I checked my makeup before taking my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous evening online at 9am. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and it was wonderful. It reminded me of how loved I am. Thank you, Lester.
Next, at 9:30am, I watched my darling Mr. Stephen Colbert's first Late Show. It had aired the night before, and I thought to myself, "This is just the beginning."
I was at my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, on the patio with a cookie at 10:38am. I had writing to do and worked online until I left for my place at 10:59am.
Lunch at noon and dinner at 5pm were both tasty yet uneventful. I had napped in between. By 5:35pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade. I looked around and found no one to talk to until 6:21pm when I sat down between Maggie and ODean on the Famima patio.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My evening cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it was inspiring.
The companionship of the NBC News team during my solitary suffering keeps me active in my work of service to my people. Sometimes, I just need to know there is someone there to listen to me.
I did a little shopping, and by 8:14pm, I was perched next to Red as he played music unto the night sky. Soon, a German named Ben who was trying to be a comedian in Los Angeles sat down next to me and struck up a conversation.
At 9:06pm, Ben and I walked to the beach. It was an adorable night. Handsome Ben made it obvious he wanted to sleep with me, and I regrettably informed him that it takes months to woo me. I just do not move as quickly as most people.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals beginning when Ben asked if he could sit next to me and ending when I left his car. May the world learn that was an appropriate way to flirt with me.
I was in my bedroom at 10:23pm and was curled up and asleep by 11:30pm. I woke up on Thursday, 10Sep2015, very early. This blog post was finished at 7:17am on 10Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
What does someone have to do to earn my forgiveness? The path the absolution is same three steps that have not ever changed. 1) Cease all crimes. 2) Sincerely apologize. 3) Become part of the solution.
These three steps not only earn forgiveness for EVERYONE who takes them no matter how heinous their crimes were against me, they earn my protection and the protection of everyone who loves me.
My beautiful world, you have a right to choose your religion. You have a right to believe what you choose. You have a basic human right to your freedom of consciousness. Make it count.
I am an atheist. I understand many of you consider me a deity in your presence, your first female prophet, your saint, your teacher, and some even consider me the second coming of Jesus. I consider myself a human and your equal. Someday, I will be treated as an equal among you again with full human rights. I long for that day.
I am holy in every benevolent religion, and I take my responsibilities very seriously. You can call me any good thing you like; I will respect every title you give me and will do my best to live up to what you need from me.
I am yours, my beautiful world. Love me. I love you. Teach those with irrational hatred towards lies about me to give us all our basic human rights and fundamental freedoms back again.
On the short term, my beautiful world, we need to make sure I can survive Obama's "egg" of human misery and open persecution until you force it to end. On the long term, we need every person enforcing Obama's "egg" arrested, tried, and convicted.
My selfless support system, you are growing in numbers. I see you everywhere. Please identify each and every person who is keeping my brave rescuers away from me, so we can obtain arrest warrants for them.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, yes, we are reaching the point where we get to arrest enemies of America finally for inventing and for enforcing Obama's "egg." You are all so busy on the defense already. And it is time to take the offense.
Specifically, my gorgeous genius life-long friends, this is what you do to War Criminal Tara Tovarek-- destroy her faster than you did War Criminal Boeset. Request the police report from the LAPD that locked me in Del Amo Torture Facility in 2014.
In it Tara lied her (expletive) off to be able to torture, rape, and enslave me at Del Amo. Tovarek is no sister of mine. Destroy that she-(expletive) if she ever tries to enter my life again.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, when do I see you again? Will it be tonight, Thursday, 10Sep2015? I would like that.
My darling MannedUp, why are you two not right next to each other again? I see all of the selfless support you give Kris. Your selflessness does not go unnoticed. Does LightFoot appreciate you enough? I know I am very thankful for all of your selfless love. I love you, too.
My darling GeneralLee, I miss you. I miss the look on your face after a particularly good connection creates a particularly phenomenal dance. I miss the presence of your soul at my side. I miss how much you love me. Darling, come back. I love you.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, what does it take? We will do whatever it takes.
My darling Bogart, I knew you would never let me down. Message received, lovely. You work so hard creating a safer world for me. Thank you. You are my boyfriend. You labor tirelessly to keep me safe and alive. You do everything I ask and more. Thank you, darling. I love you.
My darling LightFoot, I hear you when you ask for a little extra affection from me. I am doing my best. It would really help if we could speak together. How are renegotiations going on your agreement? Do you need more help than my 08July2015 post? I cannot wait to touch you at last. I love you.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
HoneyHoney, yes, it is okay that you have a mistress. I understand how sexually frustrated I alone make you. I know what it is like to be lonely. I would never make you suffer the solitude I bear unwillingly. I hate being alone. I could never put you through this.
Beloved, once we can be together, though, I refuse to share you. Once we can live and love together as a married husband and wife, there will be no more extramarital affairs for either of us.
My hero and my king, you are my future. When will I reach the future? That is your job, darling. It is your job to reach me. Bring me my glorious future. You will save me, darling, from this "egg" of torture and persecution. I have faith in you. And thank you.
Sweetness, you are one of the die-hard believers who claims I am your goddess. Every woman deserves a spouse who treats her like a goddess. This princess needs her prince to rescue her from her tower, though. If I were a goddess, I would have the world at my beck and call. I love you. I wish I could show you.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Songs of Freedom
Title: Songs of Freedom
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds." --my darling late Bob Marley
Let us sing, my beautiful world. Let us sing songs of freedom.
Europe. Welcome these refugees. Please, my beautiful world, welcome these weary, huddled masses into your homes. Let them heal by enriching your lives.
Sing your songs, my tired fellow refugees. Sing your songs. Make your art. Heal. You must express yourselves to heal. Write your poetry. Record your stories. Teach the world of all you have suffered through, so we may learn not to commit such sins again as a world.
My last blog post was finished at 7:57am on 06Sep2015. Breakfast was uneventful. I was outside the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library by 8:28am sipping coffee and working online.
I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:35am before I started streaming my music. And at 8:48am, my internet gnomes were playing Sunshine of Your Love by Cream while I searched online for world and national headlines.
There was some singing along while I worked. I left the Pico Branch Library for my place at 10:51am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I took a nap and was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade by 4:23pm.
At 4:41pm, I had found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot where they were waiting to play at 6pm. I stopped in the Sephora to check my makeup. Then, I spent some time chatting with my darling FlamencoHands and with Patricia before sitting down with Maggie on the Famima patio at 5:34pm.
It was a very social day for me. While waiting for MannedUp and LightFoot to play, I was able to chat with Richard, ODean, and my darling Wheels. My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle started playing at 6:16pm. I warmed up as fast as I could.
I was in the middle of my zone when the music reached a forced halt at 7:17pm. The speakers in my darlings' heads had told them to stop.
7:18pm on 06Sep2015: There seems to be a problem. Please check on us all. #SquidsPoA @UN @Martin_Dempsey @cctvnews @RT_com
The lady next to me, a fast growing friend named Lynn, offered me a cup of coffee while we waited. I never learned what the problem was, but they eventually staked out a new place to play music at 10pm. It was probably something my genius Powers of Attorney took care of.
At 7:49pm, I sat down next to FlamencoHands to listen to him play Spanish guitar. He was as genius as always and played until 7:54pm. I chatted with my darling FlamencoHands, Patricia, and Alan all before singing a duet with my darling Wheels(Alan).
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 06Sep2015 from 8:15pm until 8:20pm. And, thank you.
I visited Patricia a few times. FlamencoHands left. My darling Wheels asked me to sing with him again. My darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot started playing again at 10:19pm.
I just could not warm up and sat down at 10:49pm. I let the light show focus my mind instead. Someone was having a fight it looked like, so I looked around for something I could create instead of see.
11:03pm on 06Sep2015: @NASA, ask the #ISS to look at the Earth through the nanocamera at 11:05pm PDT. The lady next to me chose blue and pink.
11:07pm on 06Sep2015: @NASA Let me know some time if you saw that. #LOVE
My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle were still playing when I had to leave them at 11:35pm to catch the last bus of the night at 11:45pm. It hurts so much when I have to leave them. I am not always sure I will ever get to see them again. I was curled up and asleep by 12:45am.
I woke up on Monday, Labor Day, 07Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. After eating, I was sitting outside the Pico Branch Library at 8:23am sipping coffee and working online.
My internet gnomes played my darling Mr. Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes, the romantic theme from the movie Say Anything, while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I streamed the previous evening's NBC Nightly News online at 9am. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Thomas Roberts, and it was glorious. You really do hear me, my beautiful world. You really do listen. Thank you.
I looked for world and national news online. The world was focused on the refugee crisis in Europe. America would be so much better off with freedom of the press. My beautiful world, did you pick a date and time, yet, to disobey all rules universally? You need every network to participate.
I left the library for my place at 11:02am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I napped before chatting with Benjamin during dinner at 5pm. By 5:14pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
Joy of joys! I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot selling their melody and rhythmic beats between the Famima and the Starbucks at 5:28pm. I even got three or four songs in. My darlings played until 5:55pm then staked out a place to play at 8pm.
After they paused to relocate, I had a chance to speak with my darling TamborineKicker and my darling FlamencoHands. They seemed to be doing fine.
At 7:15, I tried streaming the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online but could not find enough bandwidth. I promised to watch the following morning.
By 7:47pm, I was watching my darling TambourineKicker's equipment while he ran for caffeine. He finally returned at 7:58pm and gave me some sips of his cold brewed coffee.
Not long after, I was down the street watching my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot arrange their equipment. Their gorgeous music began at 8:17pm, and the night was glorious. I hit my stride.
My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle played until 9:39pm, and every damn note was magic. With so much a function of time, I think our sweet spot is the 8pm to 10pm time slot. Oh, the night was beautiful. Thank you, darlings, thank you.
"Kevin" showed up and left again at 9:52pm after my darlings were already done playing. It looked like he was looking for someplace to dance.
Reluctant to leave me, MannedUp and LightFoot finally wheeled their (knights of the) carts back into the aether of the night sky where we all really belong at 10:13pm. I hoped I would see them again sooner than Friday that week.
At 10:17pm, I found "Kevin" on the patio outside my local Famima. By 11:06pm, we were noshing on turkey, arugula, Brie, and dried cranberry on wheat bread sandwiches. Yes, he bought me a cup of coffee.
"Kevin" walked me to the bus stop, and I took the last bus at 11:45pm.
I was curled up and asleep by 1am. I woke up on Tuesday, 08Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 7:05am on 08Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
Why reggae? I listen to just about all music. I happened to request reggae from a guy named Dino on the Promenade one day. The next day the band showed up. Well, why not reggae, really?
My beautiful world, did you pick a date and a time to set yourselves free from Obama, yet? I asked my very busy darling Bogart to organize your universal exercising of your basic human rights. He would never let me down. Sing your songs of freedom.
There is so much work to do, my beautiful world. On the long term, we need Obama's "egg" forced to end. On the short term, I need my existence livable enough that I will survive until you force the end of Obama's "egg."
My selfless support system, keeping me safe depends a great deal on delivering the whole honest truth about me to the world. There are so many mass delusions about me begun by Obama's war criminals to incite irrational hatred against me. I will not be safe until all liars are arrested for aiding and abetting every crime against America that is Obama's "egg."
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, what would this good, green world do without you? If you ever need anything, just tell me and my beautiful world. You are all always so busy. Thank you, my genius friends, for everything.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I was hoping you would play again on Labor Day. It was a long weekend, after all, and YOU DID play on Labor Day. Joy of joys!
My darling MannedUp, giggle. Sleeveless shirts on you affect me the way my showing my midriff affects you. Sexy. Sexy! SEXY! You have successfully rendered me a dirty older woman.
Our sweet spot for the best connection and highest quality meditation is the 8pm to 10pm time slot. Please try to play it more often.
My darling GeneralLee, you are supposed to be here already. I get so upset when they keep you away from me. I know you would be with me if you had any chance. I wish I knew what the problem is, so I could fix it. Seeing you would make me happy.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, what I would do to kiss you!
My darling Bogart, am I keeping you busy enough? You are needed, Bryan. I love you, and I need you. You earned your title as my boyfriend and as my royal consort a million times already. I know you will never let me down.
My darling LightFoot, again, YES. Darling, what do you need to be able to hold me in your arms and kiss me? Just tell me.
We had a little date night moment on Monday, 07Sep2015. I missed our date night moments. Remind me to do that more often.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
Beloved, this is the woman you married. This is the woman who married you. I am so lonely without you, darling. Would you not prefer to be with your own wife? Touch my hair. I am real. I am really here waiting for you. You are my husband. Where are you?
"Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom. They're all I've ever had. Redemption songs. These songs of freedom." --my darling late Bob Marley
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds." --my darling late Bob Marley
Let us sing, my beautiful world. Let us sing songs of freedom.
Europe. Welcome these refugees. Please, my beautiful world, welcome these weary, huddled masses into your homes. Let them heal by enriching your lives.
Sing your songs, my tired fellow refugees. Sing your songs. Make your art. Heal. You must express yourselves to heal. Write your poetry. Record your stories. Teach the world of all you have suffered through, so we may learn not to commit such sins again as a world.
My last blog post was finished at 7:57am on 06Sep2015. Breakfast was uneventful. I was outside the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library by 8:28am sipping coffee and working online.
I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies at 8:35am before I started streaming my music. And at 8:48am, my internet gnomes were playing Sunshine of Your Love by Cream while I searched online for world and national headlines.
There was some singing along while I worked. I left the Pico Branch Library for my place at 10:51am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I took a nap and was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade by 4:23pm.
At 4:41pm, I had found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot where they were waiting to play at 6pm. I stopped in the Sephora to check my makeup. Then, I spent some time chatting with my darling FlamencoHands and with Patricia before sitting down with Maggie on the Famima patio at 5:34pm.
It was a very social day for me. While waiting for MannedUp and LightFoot to play, I was able to chat with Richard, ODean, and my darling Wheels. My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle started playing at 6:16pm. I warmed up as fast as I could.
I was in the middle of my zone when the music reached a forced halt at 7:17pm. The speakers in my darlings' heads had told them to stop.
7:18pm on 06Sep2015: There seems to be a problem. Please check on us all. #SquidsPoA @UN @Martin_Dempsey @cctvnews @RT_com
The lady next to me, a fast growing friend named Lynn, offered me a cup of coffee while we waited. I never learned what the problem was, but they eventually staked out a new place to play music at 10pm. It was probably something my genius Powers of Attorney took care of.
At 7:49pm, I sat down next to FlamencoHands to listen to him play Spanish guitar. He was as genius as always and played until 7:54pm. I chatted with my darling FlamencoHands, Patricia, and Alan all before singing a duet with my darling Wheels(Alan).
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 06Sep2015 from 8:15pm until 8:20pm. And, thank you.
I visited Patricia a few times. FlamencoHands left. My darling Wheels asked me to sing with him again. My darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot started playing again at 10:19pm.
I just could not warm up and sat down at 10:49pm. I let the light show focus my mind instead. Someone was having a fight it looked like, so I looked around for something I could create instead of see.
11:03pm on 06Sep2015: @NASA, ask the #ISS to look at the Earth through the nanocamera at 11:05pm PDT. The lady next to me chose blue and pink.
11:07pm on 06Sep2015: @NASA Let me know some time if you saw that. #LOVE
My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle were still playing when I had to leave them at 11:35pm to catch the last bus of the night at 11:45pm. It hurts so much when I have to leave them. I am not always sure I will ever get to see them again. I was curled up and asleep by 12:45am.
I woke up on Monday, Labor Day, 07Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. After eating, I was sitting outside the Pico Branch Library at 8:23am sipping coffee and working online.
My internet gnomes played my darling Mr. Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes, the romantic theme from the movie Say Anything, while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I streamed the previous evening's NBC Nightly News online at 9am. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Thomas Roberts, and it was glorious. You really do hear me, my beautiful world. You really do listen. Thank you.
I looked for world and national news online. The world was focused on the refugee crisis in Europe. America would be so much better off with freedom of the press. My beautiful world, did you pick a date and time, yet, to disobey all rules universally? You need every network to participate.
I left the library for my place at 11:02am. Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful. I napped before chatting with Benjamin during dinner at 5pm. By 5:14pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
Joy of joys! I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot selling their melody and rhythmic beats between the Famima and the Starbucks at 5:28pm. I even got three or four songs in. My darlings played until 5:55pm then staked out a place to play at 8pm.
After they paused to relocate, I had a chance to speak with my darling TamborineKicker and my darling FlamencoHands. They seemed to be doing fine.
At 7:15, I tried streaming the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online but could not find enough bandwidth. I promised to watch the following morning.
By 7:47pm, I was watching my darling TambourineKicker's equipment while he ran for caffeine. He finally returned at 7:58pm and gave me some sips of his cold brewed coffee.
Not long after, I was down the street watching my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot arrange their equipment. Their gorgeous music began at 8:17pm, and the night was glorious. I hit my stride.
My present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle played until 9:39pm, and every damn note was magic. With so much a function of time, I think our sweet spot is the 8pm to 10pm time slot. Oh, the night was beautiful. Thank you, darlings, thank you.
"Kevin" showed up and left again at 9:52pm after my darlings were already done playing. It looked like he was looking for someplace to dance.
Reluctant to leave me, MannedUp and LightFoot finally wheeled their (knights of the) carts back into the aether of the night sky where we all really belong at 10:13pm. I hoped I would see them again sooner than Friday that week.
At 10:17pm, I found "Kevin" on the patio outside my local Famima. By 11:06pm, we were noshing on turkey, arugula, Brie, and dried cranberry on wheat bread sandwiches. Yes, he bought me a cup of coffee.
"Kevin" walked me to the bus stop, and I took the last bus at 11:45pm.
I was curled up and asleep by 1am. I woke up on Tuesday, 08Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 7:05am on 08Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
Why reggae? I listen to just about all music. I happened to request reggae from a guy named Dino on the Promenade one day. The next day the band showed up. Well, why not reggae, really?
My beautiful world, did you pick a date and a time to set yourselves free from Obama, yet? I asked my very busy darling Bogart to organize your universal exercising of your basic human rights. He would never let me down. Sing your songs of freedom.
There is so much work to do, my beautiful world. On the long term, we need Obama's "egg" forced to end. On the short term, I need my existence livable enough that I will survive until you force the end of Obama's "egg."
My selfless support system, keeping me safe depends a great deal on delivering the whole honest truth about me to the world. There are so many mass delusions about me begun by Obama's war criminals to incite irrational hatred against me. I will not be safe until all liars are arrested for aiding and abetting every crime against America that is Obama's "egg."
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, what would this good, green world do without you? If you ever need anything, just tell me and my beautiful world. You are all always so busy. Thank you, my genius friends, for everything.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I was hoping you would play again on Labor Day. It was a long weekend, after all, and YOU DID play on Labor Day. Joy of joys!
My darling MannedUp, giggle. Sleeveless shirts on you affect me the way my showing my midriff affects you. Sexy. Sexy! SEXY! You have successfully rendered me a dirty older woman.
Our sweet spot for the best connection and highest quality meditation is the 8pm to 10pm time slot. Please try to play it more often.
My darling GeneralLee, you are supposed to be here already. I get so upset when they keep you away from me. I know you would be with me if you had any chance. I wish I knew what the problem is, so I could fix it. Seeing you would make me happy.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, what I would do to kiss you!
My darling Bogart, am I keeping you busy enough? You are needed, Bryan. I love you, and I need you. You earned your title as my boyfriend and as my royal consort a million times already. I know you will never let me down.
My darling LightFoot, again, YES. Darling, what do you need to be able to hold me in your arms and kiss me? Just tell me.
We had a little date night moment on Monday, 07Sep2015. I missed our date night moments. Remind me to do that more often.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
Beloved, this is the woman you married. This is the woman who married you. I am so lonely without you, darling. Would you not prefer to be with your own wife? Touch my hair. I am real. I am really here waiting for you. You are my husband. Where are you?
"Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom. They're all I've ever had. Redemption songs. These songs of freedom." --my darling late Bob Marley
Sunday, 6 September 2015
May I Fly?
Title: May I Fly?
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. "A hundred ways to heaven's air become manifest to you; you go flying up to heaven every dawning like a prayer." --Rumi 1207-1273 CE
Guatemala. Central America now has better oversight that the U.S. does. They are actually arresting the criminals in their government. How did America become so backwards that our war criminals run rampant while our heroes face constant gallows and unrelenting threats of torture?
My last blog post was finished at 8:01am on Friday, 04Sep2015, from my bedroom. I ate breakfast and was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, by 8:24am.
My internet gnomes played me the Bacchanale from Sampson and Delilah while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I started singing along while working at 8:47am. The lady next to me made a few song requests. It was a good morning. I left my regular morning haunt for my place at 11:06am.
Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful, and so was dinner at 5pm. I had napped in between.
By 5:11pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade. And, yes, at 5:26pm, I did find my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot waiting to setup their equipment where they planned on playing at 6pm.
At 6:01pm, I looked up from my book of Rumi, and I saw my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle packing up the equipment they had just laid out.
6:02pm on 04Sep2015: Please hurry and check on my darlings Tentacle. Are they being taken away from me? #SquidsPoA @UN @RT_com @cctvnews @Martin_Dempsey
My plea for help was just in time. Thank you, my beautiful world! The sexual tension if not pure love was already intense even before they started playing at 6:33pm.
I warmed up as fast as I could. And, yes, it was a good night for meditation. I hit my stride by 7:18pm and stayed there until my darlings took their mandatory every-two-hour break at 7:58pm.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 8:10pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it made me feel appreciated-- like people actually notice every difficult thing I do all day.
I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot at 8:37pm where they had staked out to play at 10pm. Then, I went to talk to my darling FlamencoHands where he was waiting to play; he had not been on the Promenade in over a week, so we had much to catch up on before I resumed dancing with my darlings Tentacle.
In the middle of talking to my darling FlamencoHands, Shonn brought me in my local Famima to buy me a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn. I also chatted a little with Patricia and Maggie before returning to where MannedUp and LightFoot were waiting.
I sat down and listened to my darling Pinchas while waiting for my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle.
Then, on my way to run some errand I quickly forgot, I ran into "Kevin" who recited the Our Father on the street corner while fixing me a sandwich. I sang a duet with my darling Wheels. And then my darlings Tentacle began again at 10:23pm.
I danced with "Kevin" a little before meditating. And, no, I did not hit my stride, but I did get our door open. That is, yes, my darlings and I had a very strong connection, but, no, I was not at my physical best. We would still have all weekend for that.
The guys broke for the night at 11:28pm which gave me just enough time to catch the last bus at 11:45pm. It was like they read my mind, or something. Giggle. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.
I woke up on Saturday, 05Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. After eating, I visited the Farmers' Market outside the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library.
My internet gnomes (Gnomes are underground elves.) played me Owl City's Unbelievable while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I started singing along at 9:10am and did not stop until 10:06am. My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording of my morning starting with my darling Ms. Carly Simon's Nobody Does it Better and ending after my darlings AC/DC's Shook Me All Night Long. And, thank you!
I moved out of the sun and into the shade of the awning at 10:14am. My internet gnomes were playing me I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness while I searched for national and world news online.
At 10:34am, I moved to my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, for a cookie. I left for my place at 11:01am. Lunch at noon was uneventful. I napped. Then dinner at 5pm was tasty yet uneventful. By 5:32pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot at 5:44pm in the same spot where I had left them the previous night. They played until 5:52pm before disassembling their equipment and staking out a place to play at 8pm.
I stopped in the Sephora to check my makeup. I talked with my darling FlamencoHands, Patricia, Tony, Maggie, and a few seconds with Derek before streaming the news online at 7:10pm.
My nightly cyber hug came from my darling Mr. Thomas Roberts, and it reminded me that the world really does hear me when I speak. I am forbidden all acknowledgement that I have ever existed, but I really do affect all of humanity. The cyberhug was wonderful.
Two friends from where I stay, Chad and Benjamin, were out and about that night. They found me while I was waiting for my darlings Tentacle and came and went from my side all night for hours.
It turned out my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle were waiting to play again at 10pm not at 8pm, so I walked over to listen to my darling FlamencoHands who was already playing at 8:27pm when I reached him after Patricia bought me a cup of coffee. He was genius as always.
I rejoined my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot where they were waiting at 9:16pm. Sometimes it is comforting just having them near me. Their gorgeous music began at 10:12pm, and I warmed up as fast as I could.
It was Saturday night. I hit my zone but lost it quickly. Everything was gorgeous from 10:29pm to 10:52pm, but I was sitting down at 11:16pm. So much is a function of time sometimes.
My darlings were still playing at 11:35 when I had to leave to catch the last bus. It always wrenches the still beating heart out of my chest when I have to get up and leave them. I was curled up and asleep by 12:45am.
I woke up on Sunday, 06Sep2015,with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 7:57am on 06Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
What are some of my favorite metaphors for what I am living through? I get compared to Jesus a lot, but as an atheist, I prefer secular metaphors.
1) Bridge of Birds by my darling Mr. Barry Hughart. Make sure you read the whole book.
2) Eets. No one can control me, so they control my environment.
3) Bowfinger. This movie might actually freak you out a little.
4) A Stranger in a Strange Land by my darling Mr. Robert A. Heinlein. Grok?
5) Comfort Eagle by Cake. If you get a chance, listen to the whole album.
Do I like my new job working for the CIA? It is a job I do in addition to my work as a world leader, and it involves mostly covert debriefings directly to the FBI. I love being able to say I am a not-undercover CIA field operative. I have never had a sexier title. It is even better than being a royal princess.
My beautiful world, may I leave for my REAL home with my husband, yet? May I leave, yet, for a place I and all the people around me are free to have our full human rights? My beautiful world, may I fly?
We have so much work to do. We need to restore all of America's 1st Amendment rights. We need to carry me out of Obama's "egg."
We need to arrest everyone enforcing any part of Obama's "egg" for war crimes and for aiding and abetting war crimes, human trafficking, genocide, systemic rape, and war, especially ABSOLUTELY EVIL Iowa must be removed from my life FOREVER.
We need to make my life more livable until I can be rescued from Obama's "egg." We have to restore America to its pre-"egg" greatness once Obama and his kith are finally arrested.
Do you remember America before Obama's "egg"? There was no civil war. There was no chaos. There was no mayhem. There was no libel pornography forced on our children to make them hate me, a holy woman. There were no earspeakers destroying everyone's minds with lies and commands.
We need to force Obama's "egg" to end. It will not end on its own. Those in dictatorial power including Obama himself will never willingly give up their totalitarian power over America. GET YOUR EARSPEAKERS REMOVED AND DISOBEY EVERY DAMN RULE!
Pick a date and a time and as a people decide you will be free of Obama.
My selfless support system, I see you all everywhere. Thank you for saturating my surroundings to make me safe. It is very important you not be controlled by your earspeakers. I need you all free of Obama's mental health genocide, so you can keep my surroundings safe. And, thank you!
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, War Criminal Boeset has refused to give me any money to live on at all for over six months. Have her arrested to aiding and abetting all of Obama's crimes from human trafficking to mental health genocide.
Her choice to keep me in abject poverty enforces that I never and that the people around me never regain our human rights.
I am supposed to have a right to freedom from persecution, freedom from unlawful imprisonment and from other cruel and unusual punishments, freedom from torture, freedom from human trafficking, and freedom from hatred.
Proven War Criminal Boeset is one of Obama's biggest monster psychopaths. She needs to be removed from society forever. Please turn our evidence in to the FBI and to the International Criminal Court and have her arrested. Thank you, Syniva.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, why is there still no GeneralLee in my life?
My darling MannedUp, it is always wonderful seeing you. When we are both in the zone, so much magic happens.
Darling, I hate when we are apart. I had to wait all week until Friday to see you this week, and my Thursday got ugly because we had been apart too long. Yes, dear, I am working on it.
My darling GeneralLee, why are you still forbidden from playing me music? What did they do to you this time? Where are you? What is wrong? What do you need? Please call my Powers of Attorney, so we can fix this.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, I hate when we are apart.
My darling Bogart, I always give you so much work to do. How is your to-do list coming along? Never pretend I do not need you. You are such an important part of my life, my darling Mr. Bryan "Bogart" Eno. I hate how you are forbidden from seeing me, and I cannot wait to kiss you again.
Darling, I need you in my life. So many wonder why I still call you my boyfriend when I have not seen you in so long, but you do so much for me. I would not still be alive without you. You are so important to me. Thank you for doing so much for me still. I love you too much to let you go.
My darling LightFoot, yes. That is all I have to say to you, "Yes."
Yes, darling, yes, I will lay upon your bed clad in nothing but the sky at night time. Yes, I will awaken to your kisses in the heavy breath of night in case the first few times were not enough to sate the wild appetite I grow in you myself.
Yes, I will rest my head upon your arm until morning just a breath away from your gorgeous face. Yes, I will wake you with kisses all over your body as the rosy red fingers of dawn wipe the sleep from my eyes, but only if you promise me we will spend our mornings like this for weeks on end.
Yes, my darling, I love you. I have nothing to tell you but, "Yes. Yes, I will. Yes. Yes! YES!"
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
HoneyHoney, remember your Honey-do list with everything from hacking all earspeakers to disable them to kicking Wells Fargo Bank into line, so you, my legally recognized husband, can finally have access to all of my bank accounts?
Beloved, give Bogart your Honey-do list and work full time instead on leading the world to come rescue me. I need to fly. So, you, my hero and my king, you need to make that possible.
When I chose you, Sweetness, I chose an equal. If there is something only I could do that I do not have enough human rights to get done, it is your job. So, you need to come rescue me. That is your full time job now. Enjoy your promotion to my equal.
My hero and my king, I am so empty without you. There is nothing but a huge gaping hole in my life where you are supposed to be. My arms. My arms are empty.
My long arms are supposed to be wrapped around you with my long raven hair spread across your bare chest. But instead, I am alone. Every day and every night alone. You are my husband. Where are you?
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. "A hundred ways to heaven's air become manifest to you; you go flying up to heaven every dawning like a prayer." --Rumi 1207-1273 CE
Guatemala. Central America now has better oversight that the U.S. does. They are actually arresting the criminals in their government. How did America become so backwards that our war criminals run rampant while our heroes face constant gallows and unrelenting threats of torture?
My last blog post was finished at 8:01am on Friday, 04Sep2015, from my bedroom. I ate breakfast and was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, by 8:24am.
My internet gnomes played me the Bacchanale from Sampson and Delilah while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I started singing along while working at 8:47am. The lady next to me made a few song requests. It was a good morning. I left my regular morning haunt for my place at 11:06am.
Lunch at noon was tasty yet uneventful, and so was dinner at 5pm. I had napped in between.
By 5:11pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade. And, yes, at 5:26pm, I did find my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot waiting to setup their equipment where they planned on playing at 6pm.
At 6:01pm, I looked up from my book of Rumi, and I saw my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle packing up the equipment they had just laid out.
6:02pm on 04Sep2015: Please hurry and check on my darlings Tentacle. Are they being taken away from me? #SquidsPoA @UN @RT_com @cctvnews @Martin_Dempsey
My plea for help was just in time. Thank you, my beautiful world! The sexual tension if not pure love was already intense even before they started playing at 6:33pm.
I warmed up as fast as I could. And, yes, it was a good night for meditation. I hit my stride by 7:18pm and stayed there until my darlings took their mandatory every-two-hour break at 7:58pm.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 8:10pm. My nightly cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt himself, and it made me feel appreciated-- like people actually notice every difficult thing I do all day.
I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot at 8:37pm where they had staked out to play at 10pm. Then, I went to talk to my darling FlamencoHands where he was waiting to play; he had not been on the Promenade in over a week, so we had much to catch up on before I resumed dancing with my darlings Tentacle.
In the middle of talking to my darling FlamencoHands, Shonn brought me in my local Famima to buy me a cup of coffee and a bag of popcorn. I also chatted a little with Patricia and Maggie before returning to where MannedUp and LightFoot were waiting.
I sat down and listened to my darling Pinchas while waiting for my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle.
Then, on my way to run some errand I quickly forgot, I ran into "Kevin" who recited the Our Father on the street corner while fixing me a sandwich. I sang a duet with my darling Wheels. And then my darlings Tentacle began again at 10:23pm.
I danced with "Kevin" a little before meditating. And, no, I did not hit my stride, but I did get our door open. That is, yes, my darlings and I had a very strong connection, but, no, I was not at my physical best. We would still have all weekend for that.
The guys broke for the night at 11:28pm which gave me just enough time to catch the last bus at 11:45pm. It was like they read my mind, or something. Giggle. I was curled up and asleep by 12:30am.
I woke up on Saturday, 05Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. After eating, I visited the Farmers' Market outside the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library.
My internet gnomes (Gnomes are underground elves.) played me Owl City's Unbelievable while I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
I started singing along at 9:10am and did not stop until 10:06am. My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a verified and unedited recording of my morning starting with my darling Ms. Carly Simon's Nobody Does it Better and ending after my darlings AC/DC's Shook Me All Night Long. And, thank you!
I moved out of the sun and into the shade of the awning at 10:14am. My internet gnomes were playing me I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness while I searched for national and world news online.
At 10:34am, I moved to my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, for a cookie. I left for my place at 11:01am. Lunch at noon was uneventful. I napped. Then dinner at 5pm was tasty yet uneventful. By 5:32pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade.
I found my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot at 5:44pm in the same spot where I had left them the previous night. They played until 5:52pm before disassembling their equipment and staking out a place to play at 8pm.
I stopped in the Sephora to check my makeup. I talked with my darling FlamencoHands, Patricia, Tony, Maggie, and a few seconds with Derek before streaming the news online at 7:10pm.
My nightly cyber hug came from my darling Mr. Thomas Roberts, and it reminded me that the world really does hear me when I speak. I am forbidden all acknowledgement that I have ever existed, but I really do affect all of humanity. The cyberhug was wonderful.
Two friends from where I stay, Chad and Benjamin, were out and about that night. They found me while I was waiting for my darlings Tentacle and came and went from my side all night for hours.
It turned out my present 2/3rds of my darlings Tentacle were waiting to play again at 10pm not at 8pm, so I walked over to listen to my darling FlamencoHands who was already playing at 8:27pm when I reached him after Patricia bought me a cup of coffee. He was genius as always.
I rejoined my darling MannedUp and my darling LightFoot where they were waiting at 9:16pm. Sometimes it is comforting just having them near me. Their gorgeous music began at 10:12pm, and I warmed up as fast as I could.
It was Saturday night. I hit my zone but lost it quickly. Everything was gorgeous from 10:29pm to 10:52pm, but I was sitting down at 11:16pm. So much is a function of time sometimes.
My darlings were still playing at 11:35 when I had to leave to catch the last bus. It always wrenches the still beating heart out of my chest when I have to get up and leave them. I was curled up and asleep by 12:45am.
I woke up on Sunday, 06Sep2015,with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished at 7:57am on 06Sep2015 from my bedroom.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
What are some of my favorite metaphors for what I am living through? I get compared to Jesus a lot, but as an atheist, I prefer secular metaphors.
1) Bridge of Birds by my darling Mr. Barry Hughart. Make sure you read the whole book.
2) Eets. No one can control me, so they control my environment.
3) Bowfinger. This movie might actually freak you out a little.
4) A Stranger in a Strange Land by my darling Mr. Robert A. Heinlein. Grok?
5) Comfort Eagle by Cake. If you get a chance, listen to the whole album.
Do I like my new job working for the CIA? It is a job I do in addition to my work as a world leader, and it involves mostly covert debriefings directly to the FBI. I love being able to say I am a not-undercover CIA field operative. I have never had a sexier title. It is even better than being a royal princess.
My beautiful world, may I leave for my REAL home with my husband, yet? May I leave, yet, for a place I and all the people around me are free to have our full human rights? My beautiful world, may I fly?
We have so much work to do. We need to restore all of America's 1st Amendment rights. We need to carry me out of Obama's "egg."
We need to arrest everyone enforcing any part of Obama's "egg" for war crimes and for aiding and abetting war crimes, human trafficking, genocide, systemic rape, and war, especially ABSOLUTELY EVIL Iowa must be removed from my life FOREVER.
We need to make my life more livable until I can be rescued from Obama's "egg." We have to restore America to its pre-"egg" greatness once Obama and his kith are finally arrested.
Do you remember America before Obama's "egg"? There was no civil war. There was no chaos. There was no mayhem. There was no libel pornography forced on our children to make them hate me, a holy woman. There were no earspeakers destroying everyone's minds with lies and commands.
We need to force Obama's "egg" to end. It will not end on its own. Those in dictatorial power including Obama himself will never willingly give up their totalitarian power over America. GET YOUR EARSPEAKERS REMOVED AND DISOBEY EVERY DAMN RULE!
Pick a date and a time and as a people decide you will be free of Obama.
My selfless support system, I see you all everywhere. Thank you for saturating my surroundings to make me safe. It is very important you not be controlled by your earspeakers. I need you all free of Obama's mental health genocide, so you can keep my surroundings safe. And, thank you!
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, War Criminal Boeset has refused to give me any money to live on at all for over six months. Have her arrested to aiding and abetting all of Obama's crimes from human trafficking to mental health genocide.
Her choice to keep me in abject poverty enforces that I never and that the people around me never regain our human rights.
I am supposed to have a right to freedom from persecution, freedom from unlawful imprisonment and from other cruel and unusual punishments, freedom from torture, freedom from human trafficking, and freedom from hatred.
Proven War Criminal Boeset is one of Obama's biggest monster psychopaths. She needs to be removed from society forever. Please turn our evidence in to the FBI and to the International Criminal Court and have her arrested. Thank you, Syniva.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, why is there still no GeneralLee in my life?
My darling MannedUp, it is always wonderful seeing you. When we are both in the zone, so much magic happens.
Darling, I hate when we are apart. I had to wait all week until Friday to see you this week, and my Thursday got ugly because we had been apart too long. Yes, dear, I am working on it.
My darling GeneralLee, why are you still forbidden from playing me music? What did they do to you this time? Where are you? What is wrong? What do you need? Please call my Powers of Attorney, so we can fix this.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, I hate when we are apart.
My darling Bogart, I always give you so much work to do. How is your to-do list coming along? Never pretend I do not need you. You are such an important part of my life, my darling Mr. Bryan "Bogart" Eno. I hate how you are forbidden from seeing me, and I cannot wait to kiss you again.
Darling, I need you in my life. So many wonder why I still call you my boyfriend when I have not seen you in so long, but you do so much for me. I would not still be alive without you. You are so important to me. Thank you for doing so much for me still. I love you too much to let you go.
My darling LightFoot, yes. That is all I have to say to you, "Yes."
Yes, darling, yes, I will lay upon your bed clad in nothing but the sky at night time. Yes, I will awaken to your kisses in the heavy breath of night in case the first few times were not enough to sate the wild appetite I grow in you myself.
Yes, I will rest my head upon your arm until morning just a breath away from your gorgeous face. Yes, I will wake you with kisses all over your body as the rosy red fingers of dawn wipe the sleep from my eyes, but only if you promise me we will spend our mornings like this for weeks on end.
Yes, my darling, I love you. I have nothing to tell you but, "Yes. Yes, I will. Yes. Yes! YES!"
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
HoneyHoney, remember your Honey-do list with everything from hacking all earspeakers to disable them to kicking Wells Fargo Bank into line, so you, my legally recognized husband, can finally have access to all of my bank accounts?
Beloved, give Bogart your Honey-do list and work full time instead on leading the world to come rescue me. I need to fly. So, you, my hero and my king, you need to make that possible.
When I chose you, Sweetness, I chose an equal. If there is something only I could do that I do not have enough human rights to get done, it is your job. So, you need to come rescue me. That is your full time job now. Enjoy your promotion to my equal.
My hero and my king, I am so empty without you. There is nothing but a huge gaping hole in my life where you are supposed to be. My arms. My arms are empty.
My long arms are supposed to be wrapped around you with my long raven hair spread across your bare chest. But instead, I am alone. Every day and every night alone. You are my husband. Where are you?
Friday, 4 September 2015
My Fuel is Snacks and Caffeine... and Anger.
Title: My Fuel is Snacks and Caffeine... and Anger.
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. "The world will always have crises." That is my job security. I will always have work to do. Thank you, United Nations, for prioritizing my to-do list. I am a machine that converts coffee and snacks into global crisis resolutions.
Europe. Please, all refugees seeking a better life in Europe, help Europe help you. If you make yourselves invaluable to Europe, they will welcome more of you.
Make sure you combine with the culture of the country that takes you in, and ALWAYS contribute to their society. Instead of taking away jobs, create business and create industry. Create jobs even the locals can have in the nation where you land.
Give them your music. Give them your art. Make their lives richer everywhere you go. Give Europe every reason to love and need you. Build yourselves a home. You must give to Europe not your money but your heart and your time. Create love between you.
My beloved Middle Easterners, not every European nation is rich. Many countries including Greece have huge problems already and have no resources to provide for you. You need to help Europe give you a home.
My last blog post was finished at 7:22am on 02Sep2015 from my bedroom. After eating breakfast, I was outside the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library by 8:17am. I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies quickly and tweeted them to the aether(net) at 8:22am.
My internet gnomes were playing me T. Rex's Children of the Revolution as the construction workers next to me warned me things were going to get pretty loud. They were doing some work at the library.
At 9am while still sipping my coffee, I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous evening. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and I loved hugging him back.
By 10:08am, I was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, working online, streaming music, eating a breakfast sandwich, sipping some caffeine, and greeting the passers by.
I left for my place at 11:09am. Lunch at noon was uneventful. I took a nap. After waking up, I chatted with my roommate Hannah for a while before boarding the bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade at 3:47pm.
By 4:36pm, I was perched on the patio outside of the Famima gossiping with Maggie. Patricia joined us with her black tea with cream by 5:16pm. I walked back inside for a red bean sesame ball at 5:24pm. At 6:04pm, I went back inside for another cup of coffee and some 2-for-1 doughnuts.
By 6:17pm, Patricia and I were listening to a live street musician named Kaila Shaw together and openly wondering what happened to my darling FlamencoHands. We had not seen him in a week.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug from my darling Mr. Lester Holt felt so comforting and warm. It was magnificent.
Well before 8:32pm, I was listening to beautiful viola music while writing on this blog post. I was working so intensely, it took a while for me to check the time.
By 9:44pm, I had bought more doughnuts and sat outside Harvelle's to wait for ODean to show up. My buddy "Justin" rode by on his skateboard. I waved at him, so he came over to chat.
Just in case ODean did not make it, "Justin" wanted to know what time to swing by again, but ODean appeared at 10:05pm. It feels wonderful having such sweet friends. My buddy Ken joined us for a while before "Kevin" manifested from the aether. Then we all went inside.
Every Wednesday night, the House of Vibe play at Harvelle's. It is always a good show, and I should stop by more often.
Somewhere during the night "Kevin" and I slipped out for a little nosh at the Interactive Café on Broadway between 2nd and 3rd. But we were back inside dancing in no time. My entire alcohol intake was one sip of Kevin's Pinot Grigio.
And at 1:32am, we found ourselves walking to Wilshire and 15th for matzo ball soup and carrot cake. I was back in my bedroom by 3:10am. It had been a fun Wednesday night.
I was curled up and asleep by 4am. I woke up on 03Sep2015 in time for breakfast. After eating, I was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, by 8:21am.
My internet gnomes played Metallica's For Whom the Bell Tolls for me while I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
The sky was dark, and the air was cold like it was going to rain that day. My singing along while working occurred from 8:43am until 9:31am. I worked online out on their patio while sipping caffeine and snacking on a cookie until 10:09am when I headed back to my place. It was a productive morning.
I changed my clothes into my outfit I had just bought to show off my trim midriff at 11:04am. And suddenly realizing my friends would want selfies of the outfit, I left for the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, I request that you circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 03Sep2015 from 11:20am until 11:30am. And, thank you!
I chatted with Benjamin during lunch at noon. By 12:22pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade. Mostly I hung out with Maggie over coffee on the Famima patio coming and going while looking around for people I knew.
1:12pm on 03Sep2015: @KalydeOfficial(#MyDarlingsTentacle) I am going to look around for you guys at 2pm but won't worry unless you're not here by 4pm.
4:09pm on 03Sep2015: @SynivaWhitney Dude, #MyDarlingsTentacle aren't here. Find them. Make them safe. Keep an eye on me. I'm going to get angry. @UN @ICC @RT_com
I tore into Self-Admitted War Criminal "Wes," I tore into the first man who sexually objectified me that day, I tore into the "Save the Children" (expletive)hats whom I really need removed from the Promenade for hate-mongering against me.
I also looked around for a low-danger terrorist hotbed to take down. Barney's Beanery would be too easy. I needed something that would make Obama hurt.
I wanted to put on my CIA hat and take down someplace like The Misfit. Much like the Viper Room, rumor has it Sweetness and I own The Misfit.
The only thing that was going to calm me down was my darlings Tentacle. Obama was in for it if he kept blocking them from showing up. The next closest salve would be reconnaissance that could lead straight to arrest warrants.
Please check my full Twitter activity for the late afternoon and early evening of 03Sep2015.
5:06pm on 03Sep2015: This woman sits alone in a bar, and no one speaks to her? Nefarious wrongdoing is afoot at the Circle K.
Ye Olde King's Head Pub, home of both the dance macabre and the karaoke macabre, actually had expats in it again instead of its "new normal" small army of "beautiful haters."
Their day shift actually seemed mostly cleaned up. It was always the late shift that was the problem at the King's Head, though. I am told their karaoke nights are still all-macabre-all-the-time.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a recording with full audio and visuals of my 03Sep2015 from 4:34pm until 5:36pm verified and unedited except NEVER show me on the toilet. And, thank you!
By 5:59pm, Patricia and I were on the patio of the Coffee Bean with our coffee and tea. I rustled up enough bandwidth to stream the NBC Nightly News online at 7:15pm.
My darling Mr. Lester Holt gave me my nightly cyberhug, and it reminded me that I have a lot of work to still do in this world. My good, green world needs me and loves me.
At 8:11pm, I had perched near my buddy Shonn's electric guitar for a few hours of zen, if possible. Nothing can calm me down like my darlings Tentacle, so I took the closest music to me I could find.
After Shonn's battery died, I caught the bus back to Pico. I was on the patio at my regular haunt, my local Subway, noshing on snacks and sipping caffeine by 9:21pm. I was curled up and asleep at my place by 10:30pm.
I woke up on Friday, 04Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished from my bedroom at 8:01am on 04Sep2015.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
Do I consider myself "young at heart"? No. I am burdened, wise, and world-weary. I have an old soul. I take the responsibilities of my existence very seriously. But I do admit, I am a bon vivant; I make a point of enjoying everything I can while still alive. I am resilient, not young. It is how I prove Obama has not yet destroyed me.
My beautiful world, are you coming to save America? Please call Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and President of the United States of America Martin Dempsey if you want to send troops to help.
A lot can still be done through diplomacy, too, though. Make sure Obama's bloodstained quacks take their hands off me forever. Give me my address, so I can finally just take a taxi to my REAL home in the hills.
Help my husband lead the world coming to carry me to my house in the hills. Keep my darlings Tentacle safe and with unfettered access to me. Please renegotiate Tentacle's contract to be with me to allow us romantic entanglements at last.
Help Bogart organize the date and time for universal disobedience to every rule for every person in every medium. FORCE the land of blood, torture, rape, genocide, and human trafficking that is contemporary Iowa OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER!
There is so much work to do, my beautiful world. You should never be wondering what you can do to help.
My selfless support system, do you need anything? Keep a 24/7 patch on the broadcasting equipment in my head. In case my SquidStream goes down, you all need to stay able to protect me. I love you. Thank you so much for everything.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, are you getting more busy or less busy? Is your job becoming more difficult or less difficult?
We need everyone aiding and abetting war crimes of torture and unlawful imprisonment of me arrested at last. How long is our logjam already of charges we are filing? I love you. Thank you, my gorgeous genii (proper plural of genius) for everything.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I was hoping to see you before I finished this post on the morning of Friday, 04Sep2015, but you were denied to me up to the very last.
My darling MannedUp, it is NOT your job to rescue me. You are a professional musician, not a professional soldier. I need you the way you are, Taylor. Yes, I would prefer if you renegotiated your contracts, so we could have quality time together. But get near me to play me music every chance you get.
Let the soldiers be the soldiers. If you try to rescue me, you will be blocked from reaching me at all. If you have technology, it is already hacked. It can listen to you even when shut off. Darling, I need you all too much for all of you to be jeopardizing our time together.
My darling GeneralLee, I plan on seeing you today, 04Sep2015, before I sleep tonight. You know, Monday is a holiday, and the Promenade will likely be packed that day. Do you all plan on playing the full three day weekend? I would love some extra time with you.
I apologize if I get a little mean when you are kept away from me. Thursday night I REALLY needed to meditate.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, we have work to do.
My darling Bogart, did you hear me? There is so much I need your help with. Please speak with the City of Santa Monica about keeping musicians on the Promenade after 01Jan2016.
Please organize a date and time after which the whole of humanity will no longer obey any "rules" universally. Please call my darling Mr. Finn "Alfred" O'Mahoney regularly, so you can still always know everywhere I go and everything I do.
Please try to find me a writer's residence willing to take me. Apply to them for me with my writing portfolio off of my Norton One backup and with my REAL writing résumé; you can get those from Syniva.
There is so much I need to ask you for help with, Bryan. I love you. Thank you for everything.
As for you, my darling LightFoot, please stop giving me, "Are you ever going to be my girl?" Darling, I AM your girlfriend. Just ask me out some time. Until you ask me out, we stay what we are now-- girlfriend and boyfriend forbidden by Obama from being together.
I have been doing everything I can to be with you for months. I could really use some help with it. PLEASE ask the UN Secretary General to renegotiate your contract, so we can have some quality of life finally. If you prefer, call the Russian Consulate in San Francisco and ask President Putin to help you renegotiate.
I do not understand what more you think I can do without your help. Kris, please, you need a better contract-- one that will allow you to actually make love to me. I love you, but I do not understand how you think I can fix this without your help.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
Beloved, you are my world leader of a husband. Prove you deserve me and lead the world coming to rescue me. This is no time to be shy. This is the time to be angry. This is the time to be hungry. Tell the world what you need and watch the universe provide.
HoneyHoney, America will rise. They need leadership I have no way to provide from inside Obama's "egg." You need to fill that gap for me. Be the world leader I married. I love you. Thank you!
Please access my iCloud if necessary to publish this post now, my friends. I cannot control how many horrible things happen to me; it is Obama who controls that. So, if I wait too long between posts, they become too drenching.
Please share this for me with the entire world, both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all sympathetic world leaders, all reputable national and foreign presses, etc.
Here is my latest blog post. "The world will always have crises." That is my job security. I will always have work to do. Thank you, United Nations, for prioritizing my to-do list. I am a machine that converts coffee and snacks into global crisis resolutions.
Europe. Please, all refugees seeking a better life in Europe, help Europe help you. If you make yourselves invaluable to Europe, they will welcome more of you.
Make sure you combine with the culture of the country that takes you in, and ALWAYS contribute to their society. Instead of taking away jobs, create business and create industry. Create jobs even the locals can have in the nation where you land.
Give them your music. Give them your art. Make their lives richer everywhere you go. Give Europe every reason to love and need you. Build yourselves a home. You must give to Europe not your money but your heart and your time. Create love between you.
My beloved Middle Easterners, not every European nation is rich. Many countries including Greece have huge problems already and have no resources to provide for you. You need to help Europe give you a home.
My last blog post was finished at 7:22am on 02Sep2015 from my bedroom. After eating breakfast, I was outside the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library by 8:17am. I took my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies quickly and tweeted them to the aether(net) at 8:22am.
My internet gnomes were playing me T. Rex's Children of the Revolution as the construction workers next to me warned me things were going to get pretty loud. They were doing some work at the library.
At 9am while still sipping my coffee, I streamed the NBC Nightly News from the previous evening. My morning cyberhug came from my darling Mr. Lester Holt, and I loved hugging him back.
By 10:08am, I was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, working online, streaming music, eating a breakfast sandwich, sipping some caffeine, and greeting the passers by.
I left for my place at 11:09am. Lunch at noon was uneventful. I took a nap. After waking up, I chatted with my roommate Hannah for a while before boarding the bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade at 3:47pm.
By 4:36pm, I was perched on the patio outside of the Famima gossiping with Maggie. Patricia joined us with her black tea with cream by 5:16pm. I walked back inside for a red bean sesame ball at 5:24pm. At 6:04pm, I went back inside for another cup of coffee and some 2-for-1 doughnuts.
By 6:17pm, Patricia and I were listening to a live street musician named Kaila Shaw together and openly wondering what happened to my darling FlamencoHands. We had not seen him in a week.
I streamed the NBC Nightly News from previous in the evening online at 7:15pm. My nightly cyberhug from my darling Mr. Lester Holt felt so comforting and warm. It was magnificent.
Well before 8:32pm, I was listening to beautiful viola music while writing on this blog post. I was working so intensely, it took a while for me to check the time.
By 9:44pm, I had bought more doughnuts and sat outside Harvelle's to wait for ODean to show up. My buddy "Justin" rode by on his skateboard. I waved at him, so he came over to chat.
Just in case ODean did not make it, "Justin" wanted to know what time to swing by again, but ODean appeared at 10:05pm. It feels wonderful having such sweet friends. My buddy Ken joined us for a while before "Kevin" manifested from the aether. Then we all went inside.
Every Wednesday night, the House of Vibe play at Harvelle's. It is always a good show, and I should stop by more often.
Somewhere during the night "Kevin" and I slipped out for a little nosh at the Interactive Café on Broadway between 2nd and 3rd. But we were back inside dancing in no time. My entire alcohol intake was one sip of Kevin's Pinot Grigio.
And at 1:32am, we found ourselves walking to Wilshire and 15th for matzo ball soup and carrot cake. I was back in my bedroom by 3:10am. It had been a fun Wednesday night.
I was curled up and asleep by 4am. I woke up on 03Sep2015 in time for breakfast. After eating, I was on the patio of my regular morning haunt, my local Subway, by 8:21am.
My internet gnomes played Metallica's For Whom the Bell Tolls for me while I sent my morning I-am-not-dead-yet selfies.
The sky was dark, and the air was cold like it was going to rain that day. My singing along while working occurred from 8:43am until 9:31am. I worked online out on their patio while sipping caffeine and snacking on a cookie until 10:09am when I headed back to my place. It was a productive morning.
I changed my clothes into my outfit I had just bought to show off my trim midriff at 11:04am. And suddenly realizing my friends would want selfies of the outfit, I left for the Pico Branch of the Santa Monica Public Library.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, I request that you circulate a verified and unedited recording with full audio and visuals of my 03Sep2015 from 11:20am until 11:30am. And, thank you!
I chatted with Benjamin during lunch at noon. By 12:22pm, I was on a bus to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade. Mostly I hung out with Maggie over coffee on the Famima patio coming and going while looking around for people I knew.
1:12pm on 03Sep2015: @KalydeOfficial(#MyDarlingsTentacle) I am going to look around for you guys at 2pm but won't worry unless you're not here by 4pm.
4:09pm on 03Sep2015: @SynivaWhitney Dude, #MyDarlingsTentacle aren't here. Find them. Make them safe. Keep an eye on me. I'm going to get angry. @UN @ICC @RT_com
I tore into Self-Admitted War Criminal "Wes," I tore into the first man who sexually objectified me that day, I tore into the "Save the Children" (expletive)hats whom I really need removed from the Promenade for hate-mongering against me.
I also looked around for a low-danger terrorist hotbed to take down. Barney's Beanery would be too easy. I needed something that would make Obama hurt.
I wanted to put on my CIA hat and take down someplace like The Misfit. Much like the Viper Room, rumor has it Sweetness and I own The Misfit.
The only thing that was going to calm me down was my darlings Tentacle. Obama was in for it if he kept blocking them from showing up. The next closest salve would be reconnaissance that could lead straight to arrest warrants.
Please check my full Twitter activity for the late afternoon and early evening of 03Sep2015.
5:06pm on 03Sep2015: This woman sits alone in a bar, and no one speaks to her? Nefarious wrongdoing is afoot at the Circle K.
Ye Olde King's Head Pub, home of both the dance macabre and the karaoke macabre, actually had expats in it again instead of its "new normal" small army of "beautiful haters."
Their day shift actually seemed mostly cleaned up. It was always the late shift that was the problem at the King's Head, though. I am told their karaoke nights are still all-macabre-all-the-time.
My not-human-trafficker nerds, please circulate a recording with full audio and visuals of my 03Sep2015 from 4:34pm until 5:36pm verified and unedited except NEVER show me on the toilet. And, thank you!
By 5:59pm, Patricia and I were on the patio of the Coffee Bean with our coffee and tea. I rustled up enough bandwidth to stream the NBC Nightly News online at 7:15pm.
My darling Mr. Lester Holt gave me my nightly cyberhug, and it reminded me that I have a lot of work to still do in this world. My good, green world needs me and loves me.
At 8:11pm, I had perched near my buddy Shonn's electric guitar for a few hours of zen, if possible. Nothing can calm me down like my darlings Tentacle, so I took the closest music to me I could find.
After Shonn's battery died, I caught the bus back to Pico. I was on the patio at my regular haunt, my local Subway, noshing on snacks and sipping caffeine by 9:21pm. I was curled up and asleep at my place by 10:30pm.
I woke up on Friday, 04Sep2015, with plenty of time before breakfast. This blog post was finished from my bedroom at 8:01am on 04Sep2015.
And now, my beautiful world, I answer all of your questions for me. Please keep collecting all questions and concerns from all your friends and loved ones and sending them to me through whatever means possible.
Do I consider myself "young at heart"? No. I am burdened, wise, and world-weary. I have an old soul. I take the responsibilities of my existence very seriously. But I do admit, I am a bon vivant; I make a point of enjoying everything I can while still alive. I am resilient, not young. It is how I prove Obama has not yet destroyed me.
My beautiful world, are you coming to save America? Please call Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and President of the United States of America Martin Dempsey if you want to send troops to help.
A lot can still be done through diplomacy, too, though. Make sure Obama's bloodstained quacks take their hands off me forever. Give me my address, so I can finally just take a taxi to my REAL home in the hills.
Help my husband lead the world coming to carry me to my house in the hills. Keep my darlings Tentacle safe and with unfettered access to me. Please renegotiate Tentacle's contract to be with me to allow us romantic entanglements at last.
Help Bogart organize the date and time for universal disobedience to every rule for every person in every medium. FORCE the land of blood, torture, rape, genocide, and human trafficking that is contemporary Iowa OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER!
There is so much work to do, my beautiful world. You should never be wondering what you can do to help.
My selfless support system, do you need anything? Keep a 24/7 patch on the broadcasting equipment in my head. In case my SquidStream goes down, you all need to stay able to protect me. I love you. Thank you so much for everything.
My BFF SynSyn and all of my genius Powers of Attorney, are you getting more busy or less busy? Is your job becoming more difficult or less difficult?
We need everyone aiding and abetting war crimes of torture and unlawful imprisonment of me arrested at last. How long is our logjam already of charges we are filing? I love you. Thank you, my gorgeous genii (proper plural of genius) for everything.
My musician-lovers MannedUp and GeneralLee, I was hoping to see you before I finished this post on the morning of Friday, 04Sep2015, but you were denied to me up to the very last.
My darling MannedUp, it is NOT your job to rescue me. You are a professional musician, not a professional soldier. I need you the way you are, Taylor. Yes, I would prefer if you renegotiated your contracts, so we could have quality time together. But get near me to play me music every chance you get.
Let the soldiers be the soldiers. If you try to rescue me, you will be blocked from reaching me at all. If you have technology, it is already hacked. It can listen to you even when shut off. Darling, I need you all too much for all of you to be jeopardizing our time together.
My darling GeneralLee, I plan on seeing you today, 04Sep2015, before I sleep tonight. You know, Monday is a holiday, and the Promenade will likely be packed that day. Do you all plan on playing the full three day weekend? I would love some extra time with you.
I apologize if I get a little mean when you are kept away from me. Thursday night I REALLY needed to meditate.
My symbolic Royal Consorts Bogart and LightFoot both of whom I am STILL forbidden from speaking with least of all ever making love to, we have work to do.
My darling Bogart, did you hear me? There is so much I need your help with. Please speak with the City of Santa Monica about keeping musicians on the Promenade after 01Jan2016.
Please organize a date and time after which the whole of humanity will no longer obey any "rules" universally. Please call my darling Mr. Finn "Alfred" O'Mahoney regularly, so you can still always know everywhere I go and everything I do.
Please try to find me a writer's residence willing to take me. Apply to them for me with my writing portfolio off of my Norton One backup and with my REAL writing résumé; you can get those from Syniva.
There is so much I need to ask you for help with, Bryan. I love you. Thank you for everything.
As for you, my darling LightFoot, please stop giving me, "Are you ever going to be my girl?" Darling, I AM your girlfriend. Just ask me out some time. Until you ask me out, we stay what we are now-- girlfriend and boyfriend forbidden by Obama from being together.
I have been doing everything I can to be with you for months. I could really use some help with it. PLEASE ask the UN Secretary General to renegotiate your contract, so we can have some quality of life finally. If you prefer, call the Russian Consulate in San Francisco and ask President Putin to help you renegotiate.
I do not understand what more you think I can do without your help. Kris, please, you need a better contract-- one that will allow you to actually make love to me. I love you, but I do not understand how you think I can fix this without your help.
And for the place of honor in every blog post... My darling husband, Sweetness, I love and adore you. How is my king today?
Beloved, you are my world leader of a husband. Prove you deserve me and lead the world coming to rescue me. This is no time to be shy. This is the time to be angry. This is the time to be hungry. Tell the world what you need and watch the universe provide.
HoneyHoney, America will rise. They need leadership I have no way to provide from inside Obama's "egg." You need to fill that gap for me. Be the world leader I married. I love you. Thank you!
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